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Data Set Specific Topic Assignment

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Pick Topic Assignment Instructions


Picking a topic for this class is the foundation of what you will be working on the rest of the term. You MUST pick a topic that is constrained by the data.  That means that you must pick four of the constructs below that you think relate to one another.  It is recommended you select at least four variables—two categorical and two quantitative—that will be used in statistical analyses later in the course.


You must pick a topic related to the data set. Below, you find a list of scales that are in the data set provided. Your topic must be focused around one or more of the constructs measured in the scales below. In addition to these scales, the data has basic demographics. All participants in the data set are between the ages of 18 and 80.

*Submit a Microsoft Word document indicating your topic, four variables based upon the demographics and instruments (two categorical and two quantitative), and at least four references related to the topic.


• Gender

• Age

• Race

• Attraction

• Education

• Employment

• Income

• Relationship Status

• Length

• Religion


Personality & Mental Health Scales

• IPIP-50

• Extroversion

• Agreeableness

• Conscientiousness

• Neuroticism

• Intellect/Imagination

• Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS)

• Depression

• Anxiety

• Stress

• Experience of Shame Scale (ESS)

• Characterological Shame

• Behavioural Shame

• Bodily Shame

• ESS Total

• PROMIS – Anger

• UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS8)

• Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWL)

Religiosity Scales

• Religious Commitment Inventory (RCI) – Personal

• Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale (RSS)

• Doubt

• Meaning

• Moral Struggles

• Interpersonal Struggles

• Demonic Struggles

• Divine Struggles

• Total

• GOD 10 – God Image

• Cruel

• Distant

• Loving

• Spiritual Assessment Inventory (SAI)

• Awareness of God

• Instability with God

Example (Note: Example does not use instruments from the selected list):

Topic: Self-regulation in the online environment


Five-factor personality traits extraversion, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism, as measured by Big Five Inventory –2 (Soto & John, 2017), continuous-interval level of measurement.

Self-efficacy, as measured by the General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995), a continuous-interval level of measurement.

Gender, as self-reported, a categorical-nominal (dichotomous) level of measurement

Income, as self-reported, a categorical-ordinal level of measurement

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


McCrae, R., & Costa, T. (2003). Personality in adulthood: A Five-Factor Theory perspective (2nd ed.). Guilford.

Schwarzer, R., & Hallum, S. (2008). Perceived teacher self-efficacy as a predictor of job stress and burnout: Mediation analyses. Applied Psychology: An International Review. Special Issue: Health and Well-Being, 57, 152-171.

Schwarzer, R., & Jerusalem, M. (1995). Generalized Self-Efficacy scale. In J. Weinman, S. Wright, & M. Johnston, Measures in health psychology: A user’s portfolio. Causal and control beliefs (pp. 35-37). NFER-NELSON.

Soto, C. J., & John, O. P. (2017). The next Big Five Inventory (BFI-2): Developing and assessing a hierarchical model with 15 facets to enhance bandwidth, fidelity, and predictive power. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113(1), 117-143.

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