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Cyberpsychology Self and Social Media

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Over the course of the term, I would like you to answer the following questions. I have outlined weeks in which you can respond to each. Please respond to each question in the text boxes provided in this template. If you need to, you can expand the text boxes by putting your cursor over the middle dot on the bottom of the text box and dragging it down.

Week 4

Fill out the survey on the next page. (Directly after the survey, you will see scoring instructions). You will need to fill in your scores from this survey directly after answering it in the textboxes provided.


  1. I feel disconnected from friends when I have not logged into social media 
Strongly disagree    Strongly agree
  • I would like it if everyone used social media  to communicate
Strongly disagree    Strongly agree
  • I would be disappointed if I could not use social media  at all
Strongly disagree    Strongly agree
  • I get upset when I can’t log on to social media 
Strongly disagree    Strongly agree
  • I prefer to communicate with others mainly through social media
Strongly disagree    Strongly agree
  • Social networking  plays an important role in my social relationships
Strongly disagree    Strongly agree
  • I enjoy checking my social media account(s)
Strongly disagree    Strongly agree
  • I don’t like to use social media 
Strongly disagree    Strongly agree
  • Using social media  is part of my everyday routine
Strongly disagree    Strongly agree
  1. I respond to content that others share through social media 
Strongly disagree    Strongly agree

Scoring Instructions

  1. # 8 is reverse scored, so you’ll need to change you score.

If you answered 1 it becomes a 6, 2 becomes a 5, 3 becomes a 4, 4 becomes a 3, 5 becomes a 2, and 6 becomes a 1.

  • Add your scores for #1 through #6 to get a total. This is the Social Integration subscale. This scale tells you how much you integrate social media use into your social routines. Higher scores mean more integration of social media into your regular routines.
  • Add your scores for # 7 through #10 to get a total. This is the Emotional Connection subscale. This scale tells you how emotionally connected or dependent you are on social media use. Higher scores mean more connection or dependency.

1.   What were your total scores for each subscale?  Provide your calculated scores in each text box provided below.

TOTAL SCORE TIME 1 Social Integration subscale:

TOTAL SCORE TIME 1 Emotional Connection subscale:

  • Reflect on your scores for both subscales. Do you agree with each of the scores or not? Are your scores consistent with who you are “Offline”? Were you surprised by either of your scores? Why or why not? Be sure to comment specifically for each sub scale.  (2 paragraphs)

Week 5

  • What social media platforms do you use? List them here. Here you can list your platforms in bullet form.  (1 paragraph)
  • For what purpose do you use each platform?  For each platform, what is the specific purpose? If you don’t use any, why? Be sure to provide detail here and offer examples of how you use each for full marks.

Week 7

  • How would you characterize the quality of your social media use? To answer this question, refer to some of your posts/shares/etc. Quality might include commenting on whether the content is authentic or valid (e.g., is it from a reputable source or just randomly found online?), if it’s high versus low quality material (photos etc.) or professional versus unprofessional. Be sure to include examples for full marks. (~ 2 paragraphs)
  • What kinds of things do you share? Content itself could be characterized as “work related, humorous or funny/light-hearted, news related, between family and friends etc.”. Here you can then also provide specific examples of things you post or share. ( ~ 1 – 2 paragraphs)
  • How often and witwhom? Comment on the frequency of use here and with whom you choose to share with. If you don’t share, explain why not. (~ 1 paragraph)
  • Why do you feel you need to share certain information? E.g., What do you get out of it? What is your motivation for sharing information online (e.g., peer pressure, connection etc.)? (~ 2 paragraphs)

*If you don’t use any yourself, try searching some sites and using public profiles as examples. Answer these questions by reflecting on other peoples shared information. You can try and imagine why they might share what they do.

Week 9

  • How does your social media use relate to how you view yourself? You can comment on which parts of your social media might convey information about who you are, what you like/dislike or any other pertinent information. (~ 2 paragraphs)
  • What aspects of social media use do you think have contributed to your identity and sense of self, and why? How has using social media shaped who you are? For full marks, refer to course content to support your statements about identity and sense of self in an online setting. (~ 2-3 paragraphs)

*If you don’t use social media, think about how use contributes to identity formation for those profiles you sampled in # 2.

Week 12

  1. What changes do you want to make (or have you made) to your social media use as a result of this assignment? Why did you choose to make these changes? If not changes were made, why not? (~ 1 paragraph)

Week 13

Fill out the survey again on the next page. (Directly after the survey, you will see scoring instructions). You will need to fill in your scores from this survey directly after answering it in the textboxes provided.

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