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Crime Scene Reflective Assignment

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Instructions: Read the following scenario and answer the question that follow


You are called to the scene of a shooting it is in the the back of a high school.  It is in September, it has been warm- in the 60’s and it is a Sunday morning.  The victims are 2 adults- one is around 1st base and the other is in the center outfield.

The victim at first base V1 has several bullet holes.

The victim in the outfield V2bhas a shotgun blast to the chest.

There are no suspects, there are no surveillance cameras, and a canvass of the area reveals no one saw or heard anything.

You are in charge of the investigation.

1.   How would you secure the crime scene and what are the limits of the crime scene?

2. You see there is a fresh shoe print near V1- how would you handle that type of evidence?

3. Bodies are removed and you pick up the 3 bullets recovered from V1- you take them to the lab- what can the analyst tell you from these bullets?

4. You are called to the morgue to look at V2-  What is the pathologist able to tell you about his death?

5. What can the pellets from the body of V2 tell you after analysis in the lab?

6. later that week, a suspect gun in found in the dumpster near the convenient store near the school.  You take that handgun to the lab- what will they do with the evidence?

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