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Contexts of Aging Research Solution

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            Elderly people are constantly faced by both mental and physical health complications. As people age their bones and muscles begin to weaken, they also suffer lose of hearing and eyesight. They are not able to walk for long distances due to weak muscles and eyesight. Due to old age their immunity system weakens such that it cannot be able to perfectly fight against infections (Andersen, Smith, & Havaei, 2014). That is why the aged constantly suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, obesity and diabetes among others.

            The World Health Organization states that, “Healthy ageing is a process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age. Functional ability is about having the capabilities that enable all people to be and do what they have reason to value”. In the context of this statement, it is upon public health professionals including registered nurses to develop a working framework that includes tackling health and social issues that prevent older people from living a fulfilling and purposeful life (Andersen, Smith, & Havaei, 2014). To do that, a registered nurse has to involve the older person, his family and/or nominated partners in structuring a health and socially-based care that will give them the capability to live a life that has value and meaning according to their wishes.
 This essay seeks to address the role a registered nurse should play in facilitating a personalized quality life in an older adult so that they can age in a healthy and meaningful way. It discusses the steps that should be taken so that an older person is healthy both physically and mentally so as to add value to their life through provision of individualized care that takes the older person’s feelings and opinions into consideration (Cutler, Hicks, & Innes, 2016). It further breaks down on what stage should the nurse involve family members and other partners and when to involve other medical professionals.

Type of support required by older person’s in order to live a fulfilling and quality life.

The world’s population of people living over the age of 65 years and above has steadily been increasing for the last few decades (Touhy, Jett, Boscart, & McCleary, 2018). This has been attributed to the improvement in medical research, technology, and treatment which has enabled older people to access treatment for the various chronic illnesses which used to result in deaths (King, Boyd, Dagley, & Raphael, 2018). Below are the needs and support system that should be availed to ageing people in order to enable them live a quality life and promote healthy ageing: –

  • Older people should be provided with opportunities that are geared towards supporting healthy and fulfilling ageing.
  • They must have a qualified health practitioner at their services to recognise any signs of deterioration and cognitive decline and respond accordingly by providing the appropriate care (Fotoukian, Shahboulaghi, Khoshknab, & Mohammadi, 2014).
  • Older people should be supported to reside in a dwelling of their choice and get support of services that helps them to live an independent lifestyle of their preference. They must also be supported to keep and maintain social connections.
  •  For those on their sunset years, they should be provided with quality palliative and end of life care that is as comfortable as possible according to their circumstances (King, Boyd, Dagley, & Raphael, 2018).
  • For those to be placed in aged care, a registered nurse should be engaged so as to give professional input on the best approach to adopt in order to make the new home for the older person comfortable.

Roles of a Registered Nurse in Empowering the Older Adult on Healthy Aging.

A registered nurse should possess the skills to enable him/her to adequately promote healthy ageing. These skills should aim to improve both the physical and mental health of the older person. The roles that make up these skills include the following: –

  • Respect of privacy and cultural sensitivities – A registered nurse should engage with an older person under their care in a manner that respects their opinions, their privacy and their confidentiality (King, Boyd, Dagley, & Raphael, 2018). They should foster a relationship with the patient is open, friendly and honest. Encouraging open communication will enable the older person to open up on any health or personal issues that may arise so that they may be addressed in time (Lyons, Dunson-Strane, & Sherman, 2014).
  • A registered nurse should be able to show empathy and respect to older persons under their care. They should learn how to effectively communicate both verbally and though writing so as to break the barrier that exists due to older people not been able to effectively receive, give and understand information. Effective communication is important in getting health and social information about the older person (Seino, Kitamura, Tomine, Tanaka, & Nishi, 2019).
  • They should be able to assess the functionality of any environmental and community facilities that the older person may need to meet his/her physical, social, cognitive and psychological requirements. These may include walking parks, social halls, older person’s meeting centres etc. these facilities help in enhancing the older persons physical and mental capabilities and maintaining healthy ageing.
  • The nurse should comprehensively identify the individualised health and physical needs of the older person through use of available valid and reliable tools. This in turn will help guide the nurse in his/her care practice (Seino, Nishi, Murayama, Narita, & Yokoyama, 2017).
  •   Provide Person-centred care and practice – A registered nurse should endeavour to provide a personal and evidence centred approach towards the health and wellbeing of the older person under their care. Health decisions made should involve the older person, nominated partners, their family, friends and health professionals. Person-centred care is all about the older person’s opinions and preference which should be considered first in any decision regarding their life (Seino, Nishi, Murayama, Narita, & Yokoyama, 2017).
  • They should be able to adequately advise the older person and is/her family about available care options that are suitable for the older person. If the option is aged care, they should adequately advise on facilitation of transition to the aged care and how family members, friends and nominated dependents can contribute in making the aged-care stay fulfilling.
  • They should be able to detect any deterioration in the physical and health status of the older person as well as be able to detect age related illnesses and conditions like dementia and other diseases and advice on the right course of treatment. Early detection and treatment help in maximising health outcomes (Touhy, Jett, Boscart, & McCleary, 2018). In cases of older persons with chronic physical and mental conditions, the nurse should be able to recognise them and advice on the available treatments. 
  • If the older person has physical and cognitive needs, the nurse should monitor and asses the living environment of the older person to promote safety and reduce risk factors like falling, tripping on objects and pressure ulcers (Tuckett, Banchoff, Winter, & King, 2018).


The roles of a nurse in providing an older person with care that enhances and promotes health ageing should be concentrated in both the physical and the mental aspects of the older person. This is because an older person needs to be healthy, both physically and mentally so that he/she can have a fulfilling and meaningful life that leads to a healthy ageing.

To adequately care for an older person, the nurse should first assess his/her health and social needs so as to work out a care plan that takes care of all issues identified in the assessment. Once the issues have been identified, the nurse can work out a care plan that takes into consideration the needs, interests and preferences of the older person, his/her family, friends and nominated dependents.

Having the requisite skills to identify any physical, mental and cognitive deterioration of the older person is very important because it helps in early detection and treatment. This translates to a better quality of life for the older person.


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