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Comparative Analysis Discussion Assignment

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Comparative Analysis Discussion Assignment

Comparative Analysis


This task requires you to analyse and compare responses of Australia and one other country (Sweden ) to a global health issue (COVID-19) from a primary health care perspective.    In this task you are required to:

  • Choose one country from those provided on the Interact site, in addition to Australia. (Sweden)
  • Critically analyse and compare epidemiological data from the two nations that impact on the health of the respective communities in relation to the global health issue Covid 19
  • Critically analyse and compare the influences of social determinants of health and culture on communities in the respective countries to identify impacts on responses to the global health issue.
  • Apply the values and principles of social justice and equity in health care to address health inequities associated with the global health issue in the respective countries.

Introduction…. tell reader what they can expect from your assessment in your own words


Critically analyse and compare epidemiological concepts and data that impact on the health of communities: Epidemiological concepts were defined and applied to your comparative analysis.

Comparison and analysis were synthesised to provide a clear and concise overview of impacts on the health of communities.


Critically analyse and compare the influences of social determinants of health and culture ( atleast 4 of them ) on communities: Influences of social determinants of health and culture were synthesised and applied to the global health issue for the respective countries, and with regard for cultural diversity.


Health inequities were derived from the critical analysis.


Apply the values and principles of social justice and equity in health care to address health inequities in the respective countries: Social justice and equity in health care have been clearly and logically applied to address health inequities. Comparative Analysis Discussion Assignment


Conclusion : Summary of the key points or the paragraphs.

use APA format, double spaced , new times roman


Uses evidence to support and build knowledge in practice (Academic referencing):

Chooses a wide variety of information sources. Selects sources credible criteria.A peer review articles and books , less than 7 years old, more than 20 credible sources . Mainly from the resources listed below (if possible mainly from Australian research to keep in context between chosen country and Australia


Anbazhagan, S., & Surekha, A. (2017). Role of non-governmental organizations in global health.International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 3(1), 17-22.


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2016). Australia’s health 2016: 4.1 Social determinants of health. Retrieved from


Biermann, O., Eckhardt, M., Carlfjord, S., Falk, M., & Forsberg, B. C. (2016). Collaboration between non-governmental organizations and public services in health – a qualitative case study from rural Ecuador. Global Health Action,9.


Guzys, D. (2017). Community and primary health care. In D. Guzys, R. Brown, E. Halcomb & D. Whitehead (Eds.), An introduction to community and primary health care (2nd ed., pp.-1-19). Port Melbourne: Cambridge.


Truglio, J., Graziano, M., Vedanthan, R., Hahn, S., Rios, C., Hendel-Paterson, B., & Ripp, J. (2012). Global Health and Primary Care: Increasing Burden of Chronic Diseases and Need for Integrated Training.The Mount Sinai Journal of

Medicine, New York,79(4), 464–474.


World Health Organisation. (2017). Epidemiology. Retrieved from


World Health Organisation. (2017). Primary health care. Retrieved from

World Health Organisation. (2017). What are social determinants of health? Retrieved from



Nemetchek, B., (2019). A concept analysis of social justice in global health. Nursing OUtlook, 67(3): 244-251.  Doi: 10.1016/j.outlook.2018.12.023

Stronks, K., Hendriks, A., Toebes, B., Ikram, U., & Venkatapurum, S., (2016). Social justice and human rights as a framework for addressing social determinants of health: Final report of the Task group on Equity, Equality and Human Rights: Review of social determinants of health and the health divide in the WHO European Region.  World Health Organization, Europe.


Arvidsson, E., André, M., Borgquist, L., Andersson, D., & Carlsson, P. (2012). Setting priorities in primary health care-on whose conditions? A questionnaire study. BMC Family Practice, 13(1), 114.


Barrett, D. H., Ortmann, L. W., Dawson, A., Saenz, C., Reis, A., & Bolan, G. (2016). Public Health Ethics: Cases Spanning the Globe. Springer Open.


Browne, A. J., Varcoe, C. M., Wong, S. T., Smye, V. L., Lavoie, J., Littlejohn, D., … Lennox, S. (2012). Closing the health equity gap: evidence-based strategies for primary health care organizations.International Journal for Equity in Health, 11, 59.


Knibb-Lamouche, J. (2012). Culture as a social determinant of health: Examples from native communities. Institute on Medicine: Roundtable on the Promotion of Health Equity and the Elimination of Health Disparities. Retrieve from


McDonald, J., & Ollerenshaw, A. (2011). Priority setting in primary health care: a framework for local catchments. Rural Remote Health, 11(2), 1714.


Petrie, E., & Guzys, D. (2014). Cultural competence. In D. Guzys & E. Petrie (Eds.), An introduction to community and primary health care (pp. 77-88). Port Melbourne, Victoria: Cambridge.


Thackrah, R., & Thompson, S. (2013). Refining the concept of cultural competence: building on decades of progress. Medical Journal of Australia, 199(1), 35-38.

Wakerman, J., & Lavey, L. (2017) . Centre of Excellence for accessible and equitable primary health care service provision in rural and remote Australia. Retrieved from

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