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Communication Psychology SOWK 3041

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Communication Psychology SOWK 3041

SOWK 3041 – Communication

Engaging Communication – Analysis of Counselling Video (35%). For this first assignment, students will be required to watch and analyze a mock counselling session (please see link in eClass to access the video).Communication Psychology SOWK 3041

The analysis will entail observation of the worker and client engagement.

You are required to address the following areas: a)

  1. Video Analysis
  • In what ways was the worker successful in engaging the client? How do you know? Give evidence from the video and connect your reflections to readings in the course. Dr Sarah Maiter SOWK 3041HFall 2021/ p.4
  • In what ways do you think the worker experienced difficulties in engaging the client? How do you know? Where do you think these difficulties come from?
  • Regarding social identity (positionality, social location), what did you observe between the client and the worker? b) Your Reflection: How would you respond differently?
  • Let’s imagine you are the worker in the scenario. Choose any five minutes of continuous play from the video and transcribe it verbatim. Using the transcription, underneath every response by the worker, please write down your “alternative response”, i.e. how you may or may not respond differently (please refer to transcript template on the last page of this syllabus on how to do the transcript), and explain why by using the readings and concepts discussed in the course.

 Paper Requirements:

  • The paper must be 10-12 pages in length (double-spaced, Times Roman font 12 or equivalent), including the transcript with your alternative responses.
  • Please use at least 3 course readings in your analysis.
  • APA referencing is required



Client: Transcribe word for word what the client said in the interview.

Meaning: This is your understanding of the client’s feelings, needs or intentionality, and/or the client’s core message.

Worker response: Transcribe word for word what the worker said in the interview.

Your alternative response [for Assignment One]: What would you do or say differently? Reflection: This is an opportunity for the worker to reflect on: (a) communication skills illustrated or not illustrated in the worker’s response; (b) what the worker did well; (c) what the worker missed in their response; reflection on worker’s “internal noises” or systemic chatters, i.e. how the worker’s personal bias/assumptions/values/judgment and social locations might have shaped the worker’s response; (d) what needs to be improved; and (e) suggestion for possible alternate response.

Remember to make reference to relevant course readings in your reflection. Dr Sarah Maiter SOWK 3041HFall 2021/ p.11 1.


Client (female identified) says: “I’m feeling terrible. I had a huge fight with a good friend and we’re not speaking to each other.” 2. Meaning: Client means that she is upset about a fight with someone who is important to her and her concern about the subsequent lack of contact with the friend. 3. Worker response: “Boy, I know what you mean. I had a fight with my mother yesterday.”

  1. Your alternative response [for Assignment One]:
  2. Reflection: That was unhelpful self-disclosure. I was nervous and trying to be empathic, but my talking about myself took the focus off her perceptions and made my own issues the focus. I could have expressed my empathic understanding by connecting to her feelings: “It sounds like you’re disappointed with yourself and are worried that you might lose your good friend because of the fight.” Then continue with what the client said next in response to what the helper said or asked in the taped conversation, with the same format as above. APA FORMAT

 IMPORTANT: For confidentiality, please do NOT record the real name of your client or any identified person(s) in the transcript or on the tape.

NOTES: “[pause]” indicates a pause the “client” or the “helper” made in the conversation. “[inaudible]” indicates inaudible sentences/phrases spoken by the “client” or the “helper”. Please do NOT use “…” to indicate pause or inaudibility in your transcript. Communication Psychology SOWK 3041

Link for video for the assignment –

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