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Code Of Conduct Reflective

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Instructions: Answer the following questions

  1. Review the Code of Conduct and Academic Standards in the university policy handbook. Go to and click on the University Policy Handbook link. Find the Code of Conduct and Academic Standards section. In your own words, explain 2 academic integrity violations and 2 code of conduct violations. Give a specific example of what the 4 identified violations could be.

When someone does anything dishonest that violates the code of conduct, it is an academic integrity violation. Turning in work completed by someone else and turning in work prepared for a different course are both infractions (Grand Canyon University 2021). When a student breaks the university’s regulations, this is known as a code of conduct infraction. Selling, using, possessing, or being under the influence of illicit substances or alcohol on school grounds are two Code of Conduct infractions. Allowing an unauthorized individual to attend class in one’s place or attend class on someone else’s behalf is also prohibited.

2. The academic integrity section discusses academic dishonesty. One area of dishonesty is plagiarism. Define plagiarism in your own words.

Plagiarism is when you pass off someone else’s work or ideas as your own without giving them appropriate credit (Liddell, 2003).Why do you think students plagiarize?

The pressure of maintaining a decent grade point average.

Lack of enthusiasm for the class.

The fear of failing.

3. Describe how students can avoid academic dishonesty in group work or as an individual?

To avoid academic dishonesty, one can take several actions. To avoid academic dishonesty, I want to follow the steps below throughout my academic career.

  • My syllabus and rubric should be read and followed.
  • I am not going to share my homework with my classmates. This will prevent someone from plagiarizing my work.
  • Using proper citations for my work (Liddell, 2003).


Grand Canyon University. (2021). Retrieved 30 June 2021, from

Liddell, J. (2003). A comprehensive definition of plagiarism. Community & Junior College Libraries, 11(3), 43-52.

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