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Clinical Mentoring Plan Report

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Assessment Task to be Undertaken:

Read the following instructions carefully in order to complete this part of the assessment for this course.

  1. You are required to develop a clinical mentoring plan in the context of your practice environment. This plan should cover at least the first 3 mentoring sessions.
  2. You are to utilise a colleague (either from your clinical practice or a fellow student in the Course) as part of your preparation as this will assist in providing the necessary focus and context to develop your mentoring plan (though you are not required to undertake the actual mentoring).
  3. You must support your work with references. In particular this means that his means that you will need to undertake a cursory review of relevant literature (see section 2) as well as locating and including references that support the remaining sections of the report.

Assignment Format Requirements:

  1. The assignment must be typewritten in Times New Roman size 12 font.
  2. A Table of Contents [including page numbers] should be included following the coversheet.
  3. Text must be 1.5 – Double spaced.
  4. A margin of 3 cm on the left side of each page and margins or 2.5cm each at the right side, top and bottom of each page are required.
  5. Main headings for each section you are discussing should be bolded and left justified, one double space above the first line of text.
  6. Pages must be numbered consecutively in the top right hand corner, beginning at the Introduction i.e. page one of your text.
  7. On each page (in the footer) is to be recorded your name & student number.
  8. It is expected that a file copy of each written assignment will be kept by the student until the assessment has been marked.
  9. The use of direct quotes should be kept to a minimum and if used need to indicate the page number with the citation.
  10. Referencing must be completed utilising the APA referencing style at all times in the assignment.

Marks will be deducted for not following these requirements (see the marking guide below).

Referencing & Writing

Additional requirements for your writing include: 

  • Students are to show evidence of research into the topic including reading beyond the required basic literature set for this course.
    • References used must be relevant to the topic, and must be contemporary (within last 5-7 years).
    • The types of references used can include textbooks, journal articles, professional organisations, and government policies.
    • Students are discouraged from using any internet information that is from an unauthorised or non-professional organisation or written for the general public rather than health care professionals (such as personal Web logs, Wikipedia).
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