Please complete the following questions in detail using full sentences and paragraphs.
1. What does the A.B.C. stand for in a functional assessment? /3
2. Describe the difference between punishment and consequences and give an
example of each. /5
3. Describe the adult’s role in child guidance with school age children? /4
4. What is the first thing that ECEs should do when they see behaviour that is harmful or unfair? /2
5. Why do children misbehave? List 3 possible causes and explain why it would
contribute to inappropriate behaviour. /6
6. Describe how and when you would use the ABC analysis /5
7. You find that there is a lot of inappropriate behaviour in your program, and want to do something to improve the situation? Discuss what you need to consider and what you need to analyze before you begin to make changes. /5

PART 2 – Mini case study
Please complete the following questions in detail using full sentences and paragraphs.
Pretend that you are a fulltime teacher in the centre.
A child in the classroom (Jamal) is always in trouble for hitting and yelling at other children. Up to now you and the other teachers have immediately removed him from the situation and made him do a “time-out” to think about what he has done wrong. This obviously is not an effective strategy because the behaviours continue. You and your co-workers get together and discuss possible ways to deal more effectively with the child.
1. One of the staff suggests that Jamal should be required to write lines, or that he should be told that if he does it again he will have to go to the toddler room because he is acting like a toddler. Based on class lectures, discussions and readings; do you believe these are appropriate solutions? Explain why or why not and what messages the child would be getting from these consequences. /5
2. By observing Jamal using the ABC analysis, what information would you gather and how will it help you to deal more effectively with his behaviour? /6
3. What skills does Jamal need to develop with the help of the teachers? /5
4. What skills do the other children need to develop with the help of the
teacher? /4
5. What do you think the staff should do and why? /5
6. Using the steps to logical problem solving, describe how you would handle the situation the next time another child tells you that Jamal hit him. Describe what you could say – be detailed.