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CDEV 1830 My Resume and Cover Letter

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Career Success- CDEV 1830 Academic Year 2020-2021

Assignment 3: My Resume and Cover Letter

Worth 25% of Final Grade

Due Date

This assignment is due by the end of module ten. 


Your polished resume and cover letter will serve to market your skills to employers. 

Explanation of tasks

During modules 8, 9, and 10, you worked on a series of worksheets to help develop you resume and cover letter.   Submit your polished resume and cover letter, along with the job posting you have been using to tailor your documents.

Prior to completing the tasks, be sure to review the attached rubrics.

Instructions –Submit to Dropbox

Follow these instructions to submit your marketing materials to the Assignment Submission Folder. All of your materials must be submitted in a single word document.

  1. Copy and paste the job description into the first page of word document.
  2. The second page of your word document will contain your cover letter, tailored to the attached job posting
  3. The remaining pages will contain your tailored resume. 
  4. Name the document using the following convention: last name, first name resume and cover letter. E.g. Smith, John Resume and Cover Letter
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