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CDEV 1830 Mock Interview

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CDEV 1830 ACADEMIC YEAR 2020-2021

Career Success- CDEV 1830 Academic year 2020-2021

Assignment 4: Mock Interview

Worth 25% of Final Grade


Preparing, practicing and reflecting on interviews will support you in improving your interview skills.  

Explanation of tasks

In module 8, you selected a job posting to which you tailored your resume and cover letter.  In module 11, you carried on the analysis of that posting to predict interview questions and prepare written responses. During modules 11, 12, and 13, you worked on a series of worksheets to help you prepare for interviews. In this assignment, you will be submitting your preparation activities as well as practicing them by conducting a peer reviewed mock interview and then reflecting on your performance.

Note: In class attendance is required to complete this assignment.

Prior to completing the tasks, be sure to review the attached rubrics.

Step One: Interview Preparation

Job Posting

For this assignment, paste the job posting from module 8 into this word document, to include it in your submission with the following worksheet.

Predicting Interview Questions

Predict five behavioral based interview questions from the job posting and write out your responses to the question using the STAR Methodology. (Hint… Behaviour based interview questions begin with the stem … tell me a time when or provide a specific example of …) Please be sure that you write in full sentences using proper grammar and spelling.

Predicted QuestionSituation/TaskActionResults

Step Two: Interview Practice

The Mock Interview Video

Now you will be conducting a mock interview with someone you have selected from your network. This could be a classmate, a friend, or a family member.  Your selected interviewee will ask your predicted questions, while recording your responses. (If you do not have another person to as the questions, you may ask them yourself.) Only you need to be visible on the video recording.

Please ensure that you respond using the STAR methodology.   Select two (from the five written responses) to demonstrate your ability to implement the STAR  method.

Video guidelines:

  • Please ensure that the audio on your interview video is clear.
  • Videos should be five minutes or less in length.  
  • You will be submitting this video with your assignment via Dropbox. Please ensure that you are able to upload the video.

Step 3: Interview Reflection

Before you submit your video, please review your video and respond to the following reflection questions. You must use full sentences with proper grammar and spelling.  Each response should be between 300 and 400 words to demonstrate a critical reflection or own interview responses.

  1. What are your first impressions of your mock interview performance?
  • Please reflect on how you answered using the STAR methodology? Did it help you to capture all the important elements? Did you feel prepared? 
  • After your review of your interview video, do you feel there are ways you could improve your STAR response? Please explain how.

Assignment Submission Review

Submit the following components to the Assignment Submission Folder for grading after the in-class mock interview.

  1. Job posting that you based your interview questions and reflections on.
  2. Written predicted questions with your STAR responses
  3. Written mock interview reflection
  4. Video Link attached to drop box. 
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