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Career Connection Analysis Assignment

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Discuss how the skills of writing, researching, presenting, working in teams, and using technological tools help you in your current role in the workplace. Which of these skills do you find most important right now? Which skills do you think will help you achieve future goals?

Assignment Requirements

  • The length should be approximately 500 words.
  • There is no need for a title page or references, but give credit for any information derived from the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
  • The assignment should be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word document with 12-point font and double-spacing.

The grading rubric for this assignment is below.



Introduction provides an overview of what was learned from the course and how it applies to the student’s career goals.

Importance of Writing

Clear and concise discussion of the importance of writing to the student’s career goals, with at least one good example provided.

Importance of Research

Clear and concise discussion of the importance of research to the student’s career goals, with at least one good example provided.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImportance of TeamsClear and concise discussion of the importance of working in teams to the student’s career goals, with at least one good example provided.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImportance of Technological ToolsClear and concise discussion of the importance of using technological tools to the student’s career goals, with at least one good example provided.

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