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Business and Faith Integration Paper

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Assignment Instructions


-This assignment seeks to integrate the course concepts and integrate them with Biblical concepts. More specifically, you will write an essay describing how the Bible is related to Managerial Finance.

-One of the primary objectives of this paper is to provide managers, or those aspiring to that level, with the understanding required to manage the financial decision-making process effectively integrated in a biblical view. Understanding the operations of a firm or a specific capital project from a financial perspective is critical to being a well-rounded manager.


Below are the specifics requirements for this assignment:

· The essay must be at least 1,200 words and include a clear integration of the Bible in relation to:

Goals and Governance, Financial Markets and Analysis, Accounting and Finance, Measuring Corporate Performance, Time Value of Money, Valuation Factors such as bonds and stocks, Discount Cash-Flow Analysis, Project Analysis, Weighted-Average Cost of Capital, (Company Valuation, Risk, Return), Opportunity Cost of Capital,  Capital Budgeting, Company Cash Flow, Corporate Financing, Venture Capital, Debt Policy, Risk and Financing, Payout Policy, Working Capital Management, and Short-term & Long Term Financial Planning

· You must use at least 5 scholarly sources to substantiate your position (you may use the textbook as 1 source). 

· Sources must be cited in current APA format. (7th edition).

· Provide abstract, introduction, and conclusion

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Course Textbook: Brealey, R. A., Myers, S. C., & Marcus, A. J. (2020). Fundamentals of corporate finance(10th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

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