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Race and Criminal Justice System

Instructions During the quarter, you should keep a typed or handwritten journal reflecting on the readings assigned below that touch on, in some aspect, the relationship between race and the…

The Right To Privacy Assignment

Instructions In Carroll v. United States, the Supreme Court held that vehicles were held to a lesser standard of Fourth Amendment protection by  stating that a warrant wasn’t required. Then, in Katz v.…

Consent to Medical Treatment Assignment

Answer the Discussion Board board questions in paragraph form. 1.     Give examples of implied and express consent to medical treatment in a hospital emergency room situation. 2.     A patient has just been…

Political Anthropology PowerPoint Presentation

Instructions Create a PowerPoint slide presentation on bands, tribes, chiefdoms, and states. Your PowerPoint presentation must include a title slide and a reference slide, including the full reference entry citation…

Stakeholder Satisfaction Resources Assignment

InstructionsWrite a 4 page paper in which you: Analyze the manner in which Zappos’s leadership has fostered a culture of ethics in the company. Suggest two actions that other companies…

Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals

Instructions Access the National Human Services website. Search for the ethical standards for human service professionals on their website and read them. Be sure to give special consideration to potential concerns with “dual relationships” as identified…
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