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Big Personal Test Assignment

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Big Personal Test Assignment

Assessment1: Enrichment Activities – SPECIFICATIONS

You must complete theEnrichment Activity by following the instructions below:

Marking Criteria:

Weighting Components of this Enrichment Activity
30% Enrichment portfolio – Personality Test and Mini-reflection/contemplation

Important: Keep in mind that this type of self-assessment method and the ‘personality test’ itself do not produce definitive results. Please treat this as a funexercise and do not assume the results will be wholly accurate – you are perfectly welcome to argue that the test did not produce an accurate result.

The Second Part of Enrichment activity:

  1. Complete the Big Five Personality Test The Big Personality Traits. You can access the test for free online here: 123Test The Big Five Personality Test

Example: The Big Five Personality Test covers 5 Major Factors of personality including:

  • Openness to Experience
  • Conscientiousness
  • Extraversion
  • Agreeableness
  • Natural Reactions

After completion, you will see ‘Save Your Report’, so you can download your results or email it to yourself to save as a document and keep in your ‘submission file’. Do not click on the ‘extended report’ feature. You do not need to pay for anything.


  1. Download the certificate on completion – as with Part 1 you will screenshot this and attach it to your final portfolio submission to Turnitin
  2. Write THREE short reflections. Each reflection should be on ONE trait from the Big Five Personality Test. (200 WORDS PER REFLECTION/CONTEMPLATION = 600 words in total)

You can write about any 3 of the 5 traits (see above) that you think will be most relevant or interesting – it is your choice.Follow this guidance:

  • Each short mini-contemplation should be 200 words each (x3 equals 600 words total) – remember each 200 word section should focus on just ONE of the personality Traits.
  • You should explain why you think the score in the personality test was an accurate reflection of this specific aspect of your personality (or why it is not if you think the test score was not a true reflection) – you should give one real life example about yourself to support this. Big Personal Test Assignment

E.g.: I was surprised to have scored high on the ‘Extraversion’ trait as I have always considered myself to be an introverted person, someone who likes to read and take long walks in nature. I remember choosing quieter activities instead of going to parties when I was in College.I noticed that many of my friends used to come to me to share problems they were having in their lives, and I realized much later that I was deemed a ‘good listener’. It wasn’t anything I was necessarily aware of and didn’t recognise that it was considered a kind of gift. The more I learn about Emotional Intelligence, I discover that there is a way of relating to others that describes how I’ve operated in the world for as long as I can remember. But I was not aware of the definition of it, nor did I really see how certain things seemed to come naturally to me, and that this was a kind of ‘intelligence’. (approx. 100 words) Big Personal Test Assignment


  • In each section you can also explain how the personality trait you are talking about is linked to one or more of the eight Mental Wealth competencies– All the ‘Mental Wealth Competencies’ are listed at the end of this document in Appendix A.



Summation – The ‘enrichment portfolio’ (i.e. Task 2) is worth 30% of your overall mark. 10% will be given for a screen shot of the first page of your BIG 5 PERSONALITY TEST CERTIFICATE (with your email address clearly visible) and up to 20% will be awarded depending on the quality of your mini-reflections of 600 words (which must be in line with the instructions above).



Assessment 2: Reflective Account – SPECIFICATIONS

This is a 1,500 word reflective account:

We expect you to write in an ‘academic reflective style’ about one of the following things.

·         An experience you have had in work, where things didn’t go exactly as you might have wanted them to. i.e. an event (or connected events) where you had a problem or challenge at work;


·         An experience you have had while studying, where things didn’t go exactly as you might have wanted them to. i.e. an event (or connected events) where you had a problem or difficulty while studying;

This is a personal reflection, about you, so you should write in the first person. It is also an academic piece of work so you must use / follow a reflective model– examples of the models you can use to properly structure your reflective report are listed below.

IMPORTANT ADVICE: Although you will be writing about yourself, mostly, you are still expected to use proper‘citethemright’ Harvard referencing, when you are using any aspects of theory to explain your own experience.


The other aspect that you should cover in your personal reflection is how your experience at UEL and / or previous work experience impacts specific aspects of your personal employability.


Links recommended to write a reflective account:


The following links are just references to understand more about the content and format of a reflectiveaccount.Feelfreetofindmoreinformationfromaccreditedwebsiteorsourcesthat allowyoutoknowandpresentagoodreflectiveaccount,alwayskeepinginmindthemarking criteria.


Please make sure you watch this 6minute video (this is NOT a reflective model but it provides an important introduction to reflective writing)


For information on reflective models:


  • Gibb’s Reflective Model

  • Kolb’s Reflective Model


For further information on reflective writing:


  • Reflective writing guidance included here (Clickhere)


IMPORTANT ADVICE- You are NOT expected to write extensive descriptions of the reflective models, you are only expected to use them to structure your work and to refer to (and cite)specific parts of the appropriate models briefly – when you use them in your work.


Marking criteria for the reflective account:


Your reflection will be related to your awarding body’s requirements in these areas, will refer to relevant academic sources and theories, and will identify future learning outcomes based on your reflection. The criteria to evaluate in a reflective writer are: (1) Reflection; (2) Evidence/theory; (3) Clarity; and (4) Personal learning outcomes. See below the marking:



1 Depth and breadth of relevant reflection 10%
2 Supporting academic evidence 10%
3 Clear and professional writing 5%
4 Personal learning outcomes 5%






Format, referencing and use of quotations.


Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:

  • Font size 12, using a Calibri sans serif font such as Arial orsimilar.
  • 5 (minimum) linespacing or double line spacing is preferable
  • The page orientation should be ‘portrait’ (large diagrams and tables can be in landscapeorientationifthatenablesthemto fitonfewerpages)
  • Margins on both sides of the page should be no less than 2
  • Pages should benumbered.

·         Your name should not appear on thescript. – just student number (in some cases where your asked to provide certificates / evidence with you name on this usual rule does not apply)

  • Your student number should be included on everypage.
  • Harvard Style referencing shown Cite Them Right must be followed.

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