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Aileen Wurnos Critical Summary

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I robbed them, and I killed them as cold as ice, and I would do it again, and I know I would kill another person because I’ve hated humans for a long time.” –Aileen Wurnos
Above you will find a quote from Aileen Wurnos . Each week, we’ll explore a quote from the serial killer we studied, we’ll summarize their crime, apply theory, and review their punishments. For this discussion, please answer each of the prompts: • What does the quote mean to you? Does it give us insight into their mindset?

• Summarize the crimes of this serial killer.
• What was their motivation? Why do you think they did this?
• What was the punishment?
• In at least one sentence, apply one of the following theories to the crime -or- to the punishment: Rational Choice, Routine Activities, General Deterrence

• Reply substantively to at least two posts.
These are a great way to review the material, utilize metacognition (i.e, putting it all together) and to make connections between the various serial killers. I hope you have fun exploring the topics.

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