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Adult Health Case Study Assignment

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Adult Health Case Study Assignment


UM2409 Adult Health 2 – Assessment 2 Case study presentation

Sem 2 2021 N U M 2 4 0 9 A s s e s s m e n t 2 C a s e s t u d y P a g e 1 | 5

 Case Study – Cholecystectomy, Multiple sclerosis (MS) and sepsis / septic shock Presenting complaint. Debbie aged 43 has been suffering mild epigastric pain for the last few months until it became severe pain. On presentation to the emergency department she rated as 10/10 with associated nausea and diaphoresis. Debbie was sent to the operating theatre for an emergency laparotomy. Debbie is admitted to the surgical ward where you are working following an emergency cholecystectomy and peritoneal lavage for a gangrenous gall bladder. Past medical history and subjective data. Debbie was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 3 years ago and now leads a sedentary lifestyle due to impaired mobility as a result of muscle spasticity. Familial hyperlipidaemia treated with Atorvastatin for 8 years Debbie’s maternal aunt has Multiple Sclerosis. Debbie used to smoke up to 25 cigarettes a day before being diagnosed with MS Objective data Weight 92 kg Height 168cm Last set of observations in recovery First set Observations at return to ward Blood Pressure 126/ 58 mmhg 108/ 52 mmhg Heart Rate 72 regular 84 regular Temperature 37.1 o c 37.1 o c Resp Rate 14 / minute 15 / minute SpO2 97% on O2 3 l/min nasal prongs 96% on O2 3 l/min nasal prongs Level Of Consciousness Alert Alert Pain 3/10 4/10 Indwelling catheter insitu to straight drainage. IVI Compound Sodium Lactate (Hartmann’s) at 80 mLs / hr T Tube to straight drainage Patient Controlled Intravenous Analgesia (PCIA) 500microg / 50mL 0.9% Na Chloride with 20microg bolus and lockout time of 10 minutes

NUM2409 Adult Health 2 – Assessment 2 Case study presentation

Sem 2 2021 N U M 2 4 0 9 A s s e s s m e n t 2 C a s e s t u d y P a g e 2 | 5

Current Medications Teriflunomide 14 mg daily Baclofen 10mg three times a day Atorvastatin 20mg daily Fentanyl PCIA Metoclopramide 10 mg IV 6 hourly PRN The following is to be addressed in your presentation. Pathophysiology Discuss the aetiology (including identification of any risk factors Debbie may have), pathophysiology and diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Pharmacology Discuss how the medications Debbie is currently prescribed pre admission help manage her Multiple Sclerosis. Include in your answer mechanisms of action, normal dosage, ADR’s and any specific nursing and poly pharmacy considerations. (DO NOT USE TABLES) Specific Nursing Care Debbie is at risk of developing septic shock due to the ruptured gall bladder. Using a body system approach discuss what clinical manifestations would be present and what specific nursing interventions you would need to implement to alert you to changes in her condition that would indicate sepsis and progression to septic shock. The following is to be addressed in your presentation. Specific Assignment instructions The aim of this case study presentation is to provide an opportunity for you to apply your new knowledge of specific disease pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment (pharmacological, non-pharmacological, nursing and allied health professional interventions) to a “real life” clinical scenario. There is a word limit of 1400 words Submission is via Turnitin link in BB – Assessment 2 folder When you submit your file, please ensure your “Submission Title” on the Submit Turnitin states assessment 2. Please also ensure you get a receipt; no receipt means it is not submitted.

NUM2409 Adult Health 2 – Assessment 2 Case study presentation

Sem 2 2021 N U M 2 4 0 9 A s s e s s m e n t 2 C a s e s t u d y P a g e 3 | 5

Students should refer to the SNM A – Z Guide & SNM Presentation and Assessment guide 2020 and ECU referencing guide A detailed SNM rubric is attached to the end of this document outlining criterions and mark allocation. Introduction: should include

  • An introduction to your topic.
  • Highlight the main issues (do not copy the case study, summarise only).
  • Include a statement that outlines the structure and purpose of the paper.
  • Include research parameters that you have used. Content: In this area it is necessary to present the topics relevant to the paper.
  • Address the pathophysiology questions.
  • Address the pharmacology questions.
  • Address the care questions. Discussion is supported by your learning, your research and knowledge of your professional responsibilities. Critical Thinking: Exploration and application of the case study information and relevant evidence-based information to support your discussion
  • Research: Journal articles, texts, theoretical knowledge.
  • Presentation of resources. (evidence based).
  • Appraise, analyse, compare and discuss the case study applying your theoretical and research knowledge.
  • Application to practice e.g. client Centre care (based on analysis of case study).
  • Professional responsibilities. Structure and presentation:
  • As per the assignment requirements as well as SNM guidelines.
  • Clear introduction to the topic.
  • Well defined sentence structure and paragraph formation leading to a cohesive development and comprehensive discussion of ideas.
  • Conclusion that restates the main ideas and summarizes the discussion.


  • Wind up of your paper by restating your introductory statement.
  • Restate your main ideas.
  • DO NOT introduce new ideas. References: Work must be both In and End text referenced using APA 7th edition format. The essay requires a minimum of ten (10) quality citations (peer reviewed) journals, (not more than 7 years old), academic texts and quality web sites i.e. Government (NOT Wikipedia). You may use your core texts but this does not demonstrate wide reading or critical thinking so these should be supplemented with peer reviewed articles
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