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Normal OB Worksheet Assignment

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NURS 1547

Normal OB Worksheet Assignment – 30 points

  1. Indicate the anatomical location at which the uterus may be palpated at each of the following gestational ages. (p. 215)
    1. 12 weeks
  • 20 weeks
  • 26 weeks
  • 36 weeks
  • List 5 presumptive indicators of pregnancy (p. 221)
  • List 5 probably indicators of pregnancy (p. 221)
  • List 3 positive indicators of pregnancy (p. 221)
  • Identify the meaning of each of the initials in the acronym GTPAL that are used to determine gravida and para status (p. 225)






  • Use Nagele’s rule to identify the EDD for a woman whose LMP was August 4, 2020 (p. 225)
  • Explain the importance of each of the following common laboratory tests that are performed on a pregnant woman. (p. 227, Table 13-3)
  1. Blood type
  • Hemoglobin/hematocrit
  • Complete blood count
  • Rh factor and antibody screen
  • Genetic testing
  • Hepatitis B
  • HIV
  1. Urinalysis
  • Cervical culture
  • Multiple marker screen
  • Glucose challenge test
  • Describe special considerations for a pregnant woman who has a blood type that is Rh negative (p. 227)
  • Caloric intake should increase by ______calories per day for pregnant women during the second trimester and

_____ calories per day during the third trimester. (Table 14-2, p. 257)

  1. Identify foods that are good sources of the following important nutrients during pregnancy (p. 256-261)
  1. Protein
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B12
  • Folic Acid
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Vitamin K
  1. Analyze how the 4 “P’s” impact the outcome of labor by completing the table below (p. 291-298)
Four “P’s”DefinitionExamples of variations that could potentially impede the labor process
  1. Define the following and describe how they are measured (p. 289, 300)
  1. Cervical dilation
  • Cervical effacement
  • Station
  1. Fetal position (p. 295-296)
  1. Which fetal position is most desirable and why?
  • Which fetal position causes “back labor” and why?
  • What maternal positions reduce the discomfort of back labor?
  1. Compare and contrast external and internal fetal monitoring by completing the table below (p. 336)
 External Fetal Heart MonitorInternal Fetal Scalp Electrode (FSE)External Contraction Monitoring (TOCO)Intra-uterine pressure catheter (IUPC)
When Used          
  1. Compare and contrast the three types of decelerations by completing the table below (p. 339-343)
Types of DecelerationsGradual or Abrupt?Association with contractionCausesReassuring or non-reassuring
  1. List nursing interventions that should be implemented when a loss of variability or late decelerations occur (p. 342, “safety alert” Table)
  1. Describe nursing assessments and interventions that should be performed during each stage of labor by completing the table below (p. 315-330)
 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4
Fetal/Newborn Care          
Care of the mother: Discomfort          
Care of the mother: Teaching          
Care of the mother: Preventing injury          
  1. What adverse effects of epidural anesthesia in labor must the nurse be alert for? (p. 362-365)
  1. Describe the three types of lochia (p. 396)
  1. Rubra
    1. Serosa
    1. Alba
  2. What is the fundus and how fast does it descend during involution? (p. 395)
  • In the postpartum period, when would a mother need Rhogam? (p. 400)
  • Why is the Rubella vaccine not given during pregnancy and only during postpartum? (p. 400-401)
  • Discuss the phases a new mother goes through after giving birth (p. 413)
  • List the factors that affect adaptation of the family after the birth of a newborn (p. 418, quality alert)
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