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Economics for Business MGE1108

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Assessment 2: Individual Assignment


  1. Submit only the section found in the page titled “Assignment Submission.” DO NOT include the Assignment Instructions (otherwise Turnitin, see below, may consider them as “plagiarised”).
  • Your assignment must be submitted as a word document AND through Turnitin in LMS.  Turnitin is a software that indicates the extent that your assignment has been copied from elsewhere.

       It is normal if Turnitin indicates a percentage copied but make sure that you include proper in-text referencing for each answer, otherwise marks will be deducted for similarities for 20% – 50% and zero marks in excess of 50%.

       Diagrams may be hand drawn, scanned or photographed and pasted onto the word document.

  • You are not required to look up other resources except for that listed below but you can certainly do so to gain a wider general understanding.
  • A reference list and in-text citation must be included. (Resources on how to construct your reference list and in-text citation are found in LMS under Student Support/Study Help/Study Skills and Academic Writing). You will be penalized for simply copying and pasting large sections from the textbook.

The prescribed textbook MUST BE one of your reference books where you draw your answers from. As such I would expect the prescribed textbook to be in your reference list and in-text citations to refer to the prescribed textbook and the relevant page/s. You may of course supplement your understanding from other resources.

Resources for this assignment are:

  • Chapters 7 – 9 from the the prescribed text book Layton A., Robinson. T, and Tucker I. (2019) Economics for Today or earlier versions. Copies of these chapters are on LMS.
  • Videos resources for assignment on LMS.
  • Use economic concepts and terms in your answers. Take care NOT to substitute words with specific economic meaning with any similar meaning words from Thesaurus (a helpful resource is Studiosity in LMS). Where economic models/diagrams are required it will be clearly indicated.

Marks may be deducted for late submission. If you need an extension, seek permission from your lecturer giving your reasons and a specific period of extension

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