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Property Law Real Estate Assignment

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Property Law Real Estate Assignment


To demonstrate competency in this unit, you will need to do (3) three things:

  1. Research and develop one prospecting strategy for a geographical area, including:
  • property demand in the area
  • socio-economic climate for the area
  • growth expectations for the area
  • prospecting strategies
  1. Develop a report on the optimum capacity of an agency, including:
  • current agency profile and forward projections for the agency
  • maximum/minimum property management scope and scale
  • resources required to manage properties

Clinical Information Systems

  1. Develop a report with recommendations to adjust the property management portfolio mix.

Templates have been provided to assist you in the completion of these tasks and should be returned to your assessor once completed.

Property Law Real Estate Assignment

Part 1 Research and develop one prospecting strategy for a geographical area
Agency name  
Start date  
Completion date  
Research and develop one prospecting strategy for a geographical area
What Property Management functions/services does your estate agency provide?  


What research did you undertake and by what means?  
What is the geographical area the research relates to?  
What is the socio-economic climate for that area?  
What growth conditions for expectations for the area were identified in your research?  
What prospecting strategies did you research?  
Was there any other relevant information that resulted from your research?  
Undertake research to develop one prospecting strategy in your area
Provide details of the prospecting strategy.  
What resources will be required to undertake this strategy?  
What sort of cost would be involved with this strategy?  
Are there any legal or ethical restrictions relating to this strategy?  
What personnel will undertake the strategy?  
Provide your recommendations for the implementation of this strategy
Part 2 Report on the optimum capacity of the agency
Provide the following:
Details of the agency’s current property management profile  
Details of minimum and maximum forward projections for the agency’s Property Management profile for the next 12 months  
Provide details of the agency’s capacity and resources for property management in relation to the current property management profile  
What conclusions do you draw in relation to the agency’s capacity to improve and grow its portfolio based on current information?
What conclusions do you draw in relation to the agency’s capacity to improve and grow its portfolio based on current information?
Part3 Report on recommendations to adjust property management portfolio mix
Research and develop one prospecting strategy for a geographical area
Provide details of the current property management portfolio mix.
What conclusions have you developed in relation to your research and analysis of the agency’s property management portfolio mix?
Based on your conclusions, what recommendations would you make for improvement of the agency’s property portfolio management mix?
Your name   Date




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