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Healthcare Regulatory Assignment

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Healthcare Regulatory Assignment

Access the Hospitals page of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services:

Scroll down to Related Links and review the available reports.
Clinical Information Systems
Create and submit a two- to four-page paper on hospital deficiencies. From the Suggested Deficiencies links provided below, or any updated links l******ed under Related Links on the CMS site, choose a hospital organization that was out of compliance for something.

Suggested Deficiencies (more attached)

Be sure to address the following issues in your paper:

1.What organization oversees this hospital?
2.Write a paragraph explaining why the hospital was tagged with deficiencies.
3.Develop an effective compliance plan for this issue to include the components of an effective plan and steps back to compliance.
4.Add a summary or conclusion.
5.Use in-text citations and add a corresponding reference


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