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Indigenous Advancement Strategy Presentation

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Health condition= Cardiovascular disease

Slides: 3

Task Description: Develop a PowerPoint presentation that:

  1. Critically analyses how the chosen policy (Indigenous Advancement Strategy) influences/impact the prevalence of chosen health condition (Cardiovascular disease) with Australia’s first peoples. ( Aboriginal)

• Critical writing involves considering evidence to make reasoned conclusions. Put simply, critical writing evaluates and analyses more than one source to develop an argument.

References (4 or 5) Ensure these are able to be clearly read not included in time in slides

  • Peer reviewed articles no more than 5 years old
  • Be sure to reference each point accordingly.
  • APA 7th referencing both in-text and end of text.
  • Ensure images are referenced, relevant to the content and appropriate.
  • Other times, ie ABS data we would expect the most recent.
  • Seminal documents ie Bringing them Home Report 1997; NAHS 1989.
  • Databases – Informit, PubMed, CINAHL, MedLine • Indigenous Health InfoNet .

Written description: 650 words (no scripts need to be submitted/ just voice recorded so no referencing in written one).

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