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Intervention to Social Work Peer Response

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Respond to the blog posts of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.


PEER 1 Alicia Simpkins  

Intervention in social work refers to the stage where “the social worker should monitor client progress, and the client should bring to the social worker’s attention any challenges, obstacles, or threats to carrying out the action-plan” (Scarnato, 2019). So during this time, the social worker and client work together to ensure that the client is working towards accomplishing any goals. Typically, there are theories used during this time as a method to guide social workers on how to help clients address areas of concern, goals, etc.

In my field placement, we often move towards an intervention following a lengthy assessment. In the assessment, we are able to determine client needs and goals, or resources they may already have, etc. From there we are able to determine an appropriate intervention for the client/clients. For example, group IOP sessions are often the solution for our clients who struggle with substance abuse. With this particular solution, they are able to get the support they need and are able to rely on feedback from peers as well as the group facilitators in order to aid in their wellbeing. They also participate in CBT-based sessions once per week with the licensed counselor that we have on staff, in order to work towards establishing their goals as well as improving their overall mental health.


Scarnato, J. M. (2019). The Generalist Intervention Model for Social Work. Retrieved from MSW Careers:

PEER 2 David Jones  

Interventions are used in most helping professions across the board. When individuals seek services, they are usually experiencing some type of social stressor. A social stressor is an event, series of events, or crisis experienced by a vulnerable individual, family, group, or community that moves the social condition to the status of a social problem (Garthwait, 2017). Social workers should have a wide variety of interventions to assist in bringing back homeostats to the individuals or family. The theory used by the social worker will determine the type of intervention used. 

Within my current field placement at A New Vision for You, Cognitive behavioral therapy is used often. Cognitive behavioral therapy interventions consist of combating negative/false belief systems and retraining ones thinking to rational, positive thoughts. The way in which I address interventions in my field are to first, I had to learn what the agency preferred. Garthwait, 2017, suggested these following questions to consider: What social problems are addressed by your agency? How does your agency mission and programs address the social problem? How is this social problem related to other social problems? How is this social problem defined and understood? 

Personally, I like to use worksheets, to help individuals visual a certain intervention, for substance abusers, worksheets and homework assignments are a great tool to utilize when trying to help them change their false beliefs. I have been able to observe my supervisor within my field and learned new interventions such as Motivational Interviewing (which involves enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence), Empowerment, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) (a short-term form of psychotherapy that helps you identify self-defeating thoughts and feelings, challenge the rationality of those feelings, and replace them with healthier, more productive beliefs). There is room to grow and learn new techniques, therefore I am always open to what other social workers have found beneficial in their practice. 


Garthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. 

PEER 2 Seshna Ritchie  

 Social workers offer intervention to people, families, and gatherings, which empower them to address their needs and issues. The primary reason for these interventions is to help clients in alleviating problems and improving their prosperity. According to Laureate Education (2013), interventions are a chance to offer social workers an opportunity to look at the relatedness through them an evaluation. In my agency, I have addressed interventions through the generalist intervention model. According to Karpe (2015) in the practice setting Social Workers to utilize the generalist intervention model, a multilevel approach that allows social workers to work within a variety of environments, whether it be on a micro, mezzo, or macro level. It rests on 4 major premises:

1) Human behavior is inextricably connected to the social and physical environment
2) Opportunities for enhancing the functioning of any human system includes changing the system itself, modifying its interactions with the environment, and altering other systems within its environment
3) Work with any level of a human system—from individual to society—uses similar social work processes
4) Generalist practitioners have responsibilities beyond direct practice to work toward just social policies as well as to conduct and apply research.

In hospice social work, we provide a lot of therapeutic emotional support and use an empowerment approach to address end-of-life grieving. However, due to the fast rate at how the patient may transition or their level of cognitive awareness, we use generalist theory as it crucial in the steps of engagement and assessment. At times, it is rare for a patient to stay on services for longer than 3 months with terminal illness.


Karpe, R., (2015). Social Work Practice: Engage, Assess, Intervene, Evaluate.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013d). Intervention [Audio file]. Retrieved from

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