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Impacts of Globalization on Population Health

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You are required to read the following article and answer the questions which following

ARTICLE: Depression in new Zealand 

500-750 words in apa format and at least 1 Peer review reference 

  • Background information about the country in 1 paragraph (This is your introduction paragraph)
    • Include at least 3 different pieces of background information that are relevant to public health.
    • These 3 pieces of background information should be related to social, political, and economic determinants of health and how they contribute to population health and health inequities in your given country.
    • Some examples may include access to health services, population distribution by age, human rights and/or political issues, economic issues such as poverty, urban or rural distribution of population, social, religious, or cultural norms as it pertains to your topic. The connection to your topic should be made obvious.
    • This section should not deal directly with your health problem. Rather, it should help the reader understand your country from an outsider’s perspective, yet be relevant to public health, in general.  
  • Brief description of the health problem in 1 – 2 paragraphs
    • First, define the health problem
    • Second, include risk factors (causes) and consequences (effects) for the health problem, specific to your country.
    • Last, include at least 2 pieces of epidemiologic data published within the past 10 years on the health issue and within the country of interest, which may include incidence rates, prevalence rates, and/or death rates. These two pieces of data should take the form of numbers.
    • At least one reference for this section must be from a peer-reviewed journal article published within the last 10 years.
  • Brief description of prevention strategies in 1 paragraph 
    • Include at least 1 primary, 1 secondary, and 1 tertiary prevention strategy for this health issue in your country.
    • Identify each prevention strategy as primary, secondary or tertiary prevention

  • Create an original goal statement (1-2 sentences) that addresses a way to improve the health problem/improve health. It must follow the structure as described below by being concise, measurable, specific, and realistic.  In addition, it must include the following:
    • Who is the target population? All citizens of country does not represent a specific target population.     
    • What is the health problem? Choose just one problem to address in your one 
    • How much change (represented by a percent) do you anticipate? Tip: A 10% change within 10 years is a realistic goal.
    • By when will the change occur? This should be represented by a specific end date, not a range.
    • Realism. If you are unsure about a goal’s realism, I recommend you review goal statements from Healthy People 2020: (Links to an external site.)) (Links to an external site.)
    • Example goal statement for the problem of Hearing loss among German elderly adults, leading to social isolation:
      • Our goal is to improve the identification of hearing loss in elderly adults. German adults between the ages of 70 – 85 (who) will experience an increase hearing screenings (what) by 10% (how much) within the next 10 years (by when).
      • Notice the goal statement includes the 4 required components: who, what, how much, and by when. It is also realistic.
  • Conclusion paragraph: Now, we want to look more broadly at the impact of globalization on global burdens of disease. 
    • Describe the impact of globalization on population health, broadly, not just specific to your chosen country. 
    • Address how globalization helps and hinders health.
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