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Assemble Reflective Journal Assignment

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Add a culminating entry in your journal.  This final entry should reflect your thoughts about differentiated instruction for diverse learners, especially in your specific, local context regarding tolerance versus affirmation. Be sure to write about the past, present, and future. Also, discuss how you might encourage others to reflect in a similar way to what you have done in this course so that they can explore diversity and cultural competence and sensitivity.

After you have composed this final journal entry, combine all of your journal entries from Weeks 1, 4, 6, and 7 into a single document (if written). If you have chosen to create videos for any of your journals note within that document which weeks were video entries instead of written entries. If you composed all journal entries as videos, you will submit a Word document reminding your instructor that all four journals were submitted as videos.

Be sure to consider your instructor’s comments on your previous journal entries and integrate that feedback as appropriate.


 An additional 1 to 3-minute video or 1-2 pages in the journal you have built. The compilation of your journals should include a title page (if written) with a cumulative minimum length of four pages, excluding the title page.


 References are not required for the journal.  While no references are required, any sources used should be cited and referenced in APA style. Reference pages do not count in minimum page requirements.

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