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multicultural counseling issue assignment

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Multicultural Topic Paper

Each student will prepare a paper on a multicultural counseling issue.  The paper should address an issue of your choice germane to the content of this course that can be gainfully explored within the research traditions of a current multicultural counseling and therapy issue.  Examples of topics could be counseling Asian-American students, counseling homosexual students, interacting with parents of a different culture, etc.  However, regardless of the student preference, the professor must approve the topic during week 2.  Your paper should provide background information on the topic (based on research found in journal articles and your textbook), as well as explanations for how culturally competent counselors can adequately address the counseling issue.  The presentation should be 4 to 5 pages not including the reference page

These headings should be covered in your presentation:

 a. Relevance of the issue – Why it is a multicultural issue

 b. Research specific to the multicultural counseling issue  c. Advocacy considerations/social justice needs d. How you would address needs as a school counselor

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