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Economic growth research in India Review

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Economic growth research in India: a systematic literature review


The paper gives a clear and comprehensive empirical assessment of the economic growth that was witnessed in India over the decades. We use a methodology that will access any progress made in the development of India. The purpose of this paper is to conduct analysis of literature review and provide development skills, research methods, economic sectors and also the origin of the study. Another important objective understands   skills required in economics through thematic analysis. Regulatory mechanisms, importance of skills development and technology adoption are one of our concerns in the paper.

The focus of the proposal is to make learner understand the Solow’s economic model and be able to interpret it or even analyzing and interpreting real world situations (ElFadily, Kaddar, and Najib, 2016 p. 56). The learner should be able to interpret the model appropriate with the economic trends witnessed.

During my research on Indian economic growth, I employed systematic literature review method to review the articles that are linked to skill development plan. According to research that was conducted, study outlined the importance of technology on the development of economy of India. The study indicates that schooling and reshaping of education systems are key reason for development of the economy of India. Skills acquired through education prepare ensure efficiency in the workforce (Kokotkina et al., 2017).

Conducting descriptive analysis in analyzing of growth of economy. The learner should demonstrate clearly illustrate the effects of economic growth in relationship to Solow’s model. The research aimed at understanding the effects of accumulation of human capital in different countries, and suggested that different countries poses different human capital, thereby implicating difference in wealth between nations.

Another aim of the research was to identify the effects of savings, labor and population parameters. Savings rate is termed as depended variable to economic growth.

Statement of study

The main goal of the research was to understand the Solow’s model and make it into practice (Corchón, 2018 p. 26). The research helps us to understand rationale of the model, interpreting it in real world through understanding variables such as income, tax and revenues in relationship to growth of economy.

To understand the advantages and disadvantages of Solow’s model since it is deeply discussed. The model is crucial in explaining factors that are geared towards economic development (Corchón, 2018 p. 56).


Contains details of how I conducted the research. For my research to be successful, I chose a method of conducting data. I made my research by distributing open ended questionnaires to some parts of the country and analyzed the sample proportion for my conclusion .Before distributing the questionnaires, I made sure the questions to be published was easy enough for the respondent. Data collection for my study took a month before the results were analyzed.

Another source of information I consulted was on the internet where I compared my data from the UNIDO to confirm more about the trade and causes of trade patterns .My final conclusion slightly deviated from that of UNIDO but communicated the same idea.


The study established some hypothesis about the growth of India and the Solow’s model. Technological advancement in Japan aided in enormous growth since the results suggested more firms and companies where the survey was carried, uses computerized systems for their daily operations (Borjas, 2019 p. 40).

The results from the small and medium farmers from local authorities showed that majority of them have been to adapt and coping with changing technology. This is after big numbers are currently using new methods of production. They expressed their opinion by embracing new technological advancement (Borjas, 2019 p. 45).


The Solow’s model is an economic tool used in explaining the growth and technological advancement. The theory does not explain the reasons why there is differences in wealth acquirement in different countries thereby I would encourage for development and invention of more theories in explaining growth of nations.


Borjas, G.J., 2019. Immigration and economic growth (No. w25836). National Bureau of Economic Research. 2(3), pp. 4-14

Corchón, L.C., 2018. Corrigendum to” A Malthus-Swan-Solow model of economic growth”. Journal of Dynamics & Games5(2), p.187.

ElFadily, S., Kaddar, A. and Najib, K., 2016. Dynamics of a delayed solow model with effective labor demand. Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics1(3), pp.175-182.

Kokotkina, T.N., Sadovin, N.S., Tsaregorodtsev, E.I. and Barkalova, T.G., 2017, June. Modeling and forecasting of GRP based on R. Solow model. In International Conference on Trends of Technologies and Innovations in Economic and Social Studies 2017. Atlantis Press.

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