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Biological Sciences Assignment

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  1. Skeletal (voluntary) muscles receive nervous impulse from efferent motor neurons. Explain how muscle fibres are stimulated to contract by describing the events that occur at the neuromuscular junction. A student dropped her lecture notes, bent over to retrieve them, and “pulled” (strained) a hamstring muscle. What muscles could be affected, and what are their usual roles?
  2. What function is served by the increased axon diameter at the nodes of Ranvier? Describe the events associated with the transmission of the nervous impulse at the chemical synapse.
  3. A patient is admitted to the rehabilitation unit five days after having a stroke. The nurse assesses his muscle strength and determines that he has right-sided weakness. Based on this assessment data, what specific part of the brain was injured? What are association cortices (singular = cortex)? How are they and the roles they perform different from the primary cortices? Use the motor or sensory cortex to help illustrate your answer
  4. Mark eats a very big meal in the evening. After the meal his wife would like him to help clean up, but Mark explains that he is “too tired” and promptly goes to sleep. What seems to be his problem?
  • Trace the pathway of sound as it enters the external ear until it is perceived in the brain. Trace the pathway of light as it passes through the eye until it strikes the retina at the back. Consider the negative feedback loops associated with the hormonal control of blood glucose.
  • WORD COUNT 2000-2250 WORDS
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