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Facing the Giants Assignment

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Leadership is about leading a team and inspiring them to be the best they can be.  A Leader can develop a bond with their team the incorporates a common appreciation of the power of working together. Below is a list of 10 movies that demonstrate leadership that promotes team building through the crucibles.      

For this assignment, you will

  • Work with a group of 4 – 5 people as assigned.
  • Choose one movie to watch.
  • After watching the movie, prepare a video trailer about the movie

Video Contents

  • A brief background of the movie and the primary Leader.                             15%
  • Leadership style of the primary Leader.                                                         20%
  • How the Leader and his/her team demonstrate these three topics:

Values, Crucibles, Support Team                                                                  40%

  • Be creative in the video format                                                                      15%
  • Quality: free of spelling errors, clear, communicates easily                          10%

Video Format

  • 4 – 5 minutes long
  • Include more action and pictures, less reading
  • Include clips from the movie (preferred)
  • PPT with pictures of the movie (acceptable)
  • You are welcome to be creative with this assignment.  The TA and Instructor are available to discuss your ideas.


  • Each group members will respond to the group leader the day of the assignment, will participate in each section, and complete tasks on time.
  • Inactive group participants will be asked to do the Video Trailer individually.

Apollo 13 (1995)
This classic Ron Howard film is based on the true story of the 13th Apollo mission to the moon. After their spacecraft undergoes massive internal damage, the astronauts must work together against the odds and devise a strategy to return to Earth. Commander Jim Lovell maintains control in a chaotic situation which inspires the confidence of his group. Apollo 13 is a great example of showing team members working together to overcome adversity.

Invictus (2009)
This movie shows the inspiring true life story of Nelson Mandela’s first days as president of South Africa and how he joins forces with the captain of the South African Rugby team to help unite their country. Invictus is an inspiring movie about building a good team in troubling circumstances and illustrates the first class leadership qualities of Mandela.

Remember the Titans (2000)
A true story about the T.C Williams High School football team and the trials and tribulations they experience as they attempt to unite with a football team from a different culture. As they begin to trust each other and focus on a common goal, they win the state championship. Remember the Titans is a great film that perfectly illustrates hard work, dedication, leadership, sacrifice and success.

The Great Escape (1963)
Based on a true story, a group of 250 men escape from a German prisoner of war camp in 1944. This film embodies the ability be resourceful, establish specific roles within a group and to overcome the odds in extreme adversity.

Coach Carter (2005)
The true story of Ken Carter, a top basketball player, who returns to his local high school and coaches its dysfunctional basketball team. Using the players common love of the game and their need to be part of something bigger, Coach Carter transforms the team to one based on discipline, hard work and courage.

Miracle (2004)
This film tells the true story of Herb Brooks, the player-turned-coach who led the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team to victory over the seemingly invincible Russian squad and illustrates that the chemistry and loyalty within a team are as important as talent.

Glory (1989)
A film based on the fight of the U.S. Civil War’s first all-black regiment to overcome prejudice and become a successful and cohesive unit.

Thirteen Days (2000)
A dramatization of President Kennedy’s struggle to contain the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. This film studies how a leader and his team confront a crisis and stay focused despite huge pressures from both inside and outside the organization.

Take the Lead (2006)
The true story of a dance teacher who believes in the talent of a group of “problem” kids. This film recognizes the power and importance of every single member in a team.

Facing the Giants (2006)
The story of a losing coach with an underdog football team facing their fears of failure head on. The team manages to achieve surprising results by having faith and giving their very best at all times.

Movies, unlike, have been used by great coaches and managers for years and for good reason. By using this list of the best teamwork movies, you can help your team perform at the top of their game by instilling the most successful ideas and values within them.

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