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Please read through all of these instructions carefully for information on how to complete your
assignment. Support resources are provided at the end of this guide for you too.
Task overview
• Assignment 2 is based mainly on Part B of the course, while building on the knowledge and skills
that you have acquired throughout the course to date. This assignment will consist of a set of tasks
that reflect the type of practical written group work that you will be expected to deliver in a real
professional job.
• The focus of this assignment will be on providing an update on the state of a country’s economy,
identifying the economic problems confronting businesses and policymakers, and analysing these
problems using the economic models you have learnt in the course.
• A template document has been provided for your group to use as your assignment document.

RMIT Classification: Trust
Task overview

The assignment consists of 2 parts:
• The first part of your assignment requires you to pay attention to news events that relate to
macroeconomics issues. Each member of the group will be asked to select a news article and
write a summary of what you have learnt from the article.
• The second part of the assignment will be asked to write an update on the condition of the
economy and present your update in the format of a business consultancy report, which is a
type of output you would be expected to produce in a professional working environment. You
need to refer to the concepts we have learnt in class and are encouraged to include relevant
data and references to support your analysis.

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