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Sexual Offenses Assignment

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This paper draws upon your readings and requires research beyond the classroom.

Sexual offenses are a serious offense. Of that, I am sure no one would argue to the contrary. However, when does the judicial system exceed its authority? Consider for a moment that the Bill of Rights, specifically the 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments, exercise the burden of the state to show probable cause and due process before taking away freedoms. Traditionally, when a person is sentence to prison for a crime, once the sentence is fulfilled, the person is transitioned to unconfined life. It exists, though, that for certain crimes, a person can be civilly committed to an indefinite sentence extending beyond the punitive time of the original sentence. We call this act a civil commitment.

Your paper has three parts to it. The first partexplores the challenges to rehabilitating sexual offenders and predators. Within this section, you are expected to differentiate between an offender and a predator. It is expected that you would discuss criminal sentencing protocol in this section as well as the importance of incapacitation. The second part of the paper focuses on the state’s role in providing services to civilly committed sexual offenders that currently aims to reform offender’s behavior and lifestyle. It would be appropriate to discuss treatment successes, failures, and the role of psychology (paraphelias) in behavioral reprogramming. Third, based on your research, identify those policies of confinement that are ineffective in reforming sexual offenders and make a policy recommendation that you believe will benefit society as a whole.

This paper is to be at least 8 pages in length, but no more than 12 pages. The length does not include the cover page, abstract, or reference pages. You must have a minimum of 10 scholarly sources that are five years old or less (2015-2020). Remember, these are peer-reviewed journal articles within the last five years. Properly use level headers and a table of contents.

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