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Essay On Pneumonia

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Health promotion is the act of empowering clients to take control over and achieve their optimal level of health. Utilizing the topics listed below and evidence-based practice, you will write a scholarly paper on health promotion including the following:

  • Introduction to the topic (select one of the topics below)
  • Description of the disease process (topic) selected
  • Implement 4 health promotion measures involved in the prevention and care of
    client with the disease process (topic) selected from the textbook, nursing journal
    articles, and evidence-based practice, including complementary therapies.
  • Analyze how health promotion can improve the client’s overall health and avoid
    complications (include modifiable and non-modifiable factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, and lifestyle). Be sure to compare/contrast what happens to patients if they implement health promotion strategies and what could happen if these activities are not implemented.
  • Reflection on what you learned from the assignment and how it will impact your practice in the future.

Case study

HISTORY: Mr. Alcot is a 68-year-old man who developed a harsh, productive cough four days
prior to being seen by a physician. The sputum is thick and yellow with streaks of blood. He also
developed a fever, shaking, chills and malaise. One day ago, he developed pain in his right chest
that intensifes with inspiration. He lost 15 lbs. over the past few months but claims he did not
lose his appetite. “I just thought I had the fu and a smoker’s cough for “10 or 15 years.” He
describes the cough as mild, non-productive, and occurring most ofen in the early morning. Mr.
Alcot smoked 2 packs of cigaretes per day for the past 50 years. He is a retired truck driver with
a history of mild hyperension, bronchitis, appendicitis (as a young adult), hemorrhoids and a
fractured femur and splenic injury (motorcycle accident).
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: The patient appears tired, weak, and underweight. His
complexion is pale, and he coughs continuously. Vital signs are152/90, apical hear rate
112/minute and regular, respiratory rate 24/minute and labored, temperature 102.6 F. A large,
non-tender, hard, lymph node in the right supraclavicular area. Auscultation of both lungs reveals
bilateral diminished breath sounds, rhonchi and inspiratory crackles in the right mid-anterior and
right mid-lateral lung felds.

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