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Multiple Choice Questions Assignment

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ENC 1101
Test: APA

Part 1: Avoiding Plagiarism in APA Papers

Directions: Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide whether each
student sample is plagiarized or uses the source correctly. If the student sample is plagiarized, indicate
(A) “plagiarized”. If the sample is acceptable, indicate (B) “OK.” answer multiple choice questions regarding APA in-text citations and references
Original source:
While Easter Island was divided into about eleven territories, each belonging to one clan
under its own chief and competing with other clans, the island was also loosely integrated
religiously, economically, and politically under the leadership of one paramount chief. On other
Polynesian islands, competition between chiefs for prestige could take the form of inter-island
efforts such as trading and raiding, but Easter’s extreme isolation from other islands precluded
that possibility. Instead, the excellent quality of Rano Raraku volcanic stone for carving
eventually resulted in chiefs competing by erecting statues representing their high-ranking
ancestors on rectangular stone platforms (termed ahu).
From Diamond, J. (2004, March 25). Twilight at Easter [Review of the books The enigmas of Easter Island, by J. Flenly & P. Bahn,
and Among stone giants: The life of Katherine Routledge and her remarkable expedition to Easter Island, by J. A. Van Tilburg].
New York Review of Books, 51(5), 6, 8-10. [The source paragraph appears on page 8.]

  1. Diamond (2004) explained that the 11 territories on Easter Island were “loosely integrated
    religiously, economically, and politically” under the leadership of one paramount chief (p. 8).
    a. Plagiarized b. OK
  2. Easter Island was more isolated than other Polynesian islands, and therefore its chiefs did not
    compete with chiefs from other islands, as was typical elsewhere in the South Pacific (Diamond,
    2004, p. 8).
    a. Plagiarized b. OK
  3. Diamond (2004) observed that “Easter Island was divided into about eleven territories, each
    belonging to one clan under its own chief and competing with other clans” (p. 8).
    a. Plagiarized b. OK
  4. According to Diamond (2004), rivalries between Polynesian rulers for status sometimes took the
    form of island-to-island endeavors like commerce or invasions.
    a. Plagiarized b. OK
  5. Diamond (2004) noted that rather than competing with chiefs on other Polynesian islands, Easter
    Island’s chiefs competed among themselves by erecting statues representing their high ranking
    a. Plagiarized b. OK

APA Basic Rules
Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

Margins should be a minimum of one inch on:
A. The left side of the page.
B. All four sides of the page.
C. The top and left sides of the page only.
D. The left and right sides of the page only.

Papers should be double-spaced, with the first line of every paragraph indented 0.5 inch.
A. True
B. False

In APA format, the running head is aligned:
A. In the bottom center.
B. In the upper left corner.
C. In the upper-right corner at least two inches from the right of the page.
D. In the center of the page both vertically and horizontally.
E. In the bottom left.

In APA format, any fancy font is allowed, provided that only a 12-point type is used.
A. True
B. False

Underlining may be substituted for italics to distinguish or emphasize words, to indicate foreign
words or to identify words being defined.
A. True
B. False

The list of sources at the end of a paper formatted in APA style is entitled:
A. Works Cited.
B. Bibliography.
C. Works Consulted.
D. References

References should be listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name.
A. True
B. False

References must be given for sources used in the paper only when the sources are quoted, not
when they are paraphrased.
A. True
B. False

Indicate which is the correct APA in-text citation when using a quote from the following source:
Title: Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements
Authors: Maxine Renee Shaw, Jonathan L. Speaks, Kathleen M. Neal
Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology
Volume No.: 75
Date Published: 1999
Page Numbers: 558-577
A. (Maxine Renee Shaw, Jonathan L. Speaks, Kathleen M. Neal, p. 12-15).
B. (Shaw, Maxine Renee, Speaks, Jonathan L., & Neal, Kathleen M., 2005, p. 12-15).
C. (Shaw, Speaks, & Neal, 2005, p. 12-15).
D. (Shaw, Speaks, and Neal, 2005, 12-15).

Indicate which is the correct APA reference for the following source:
Title: Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements
Authors: Maxine Renee Shaw, Jonathan L. Speaks, Kathleen M. Neal
Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology
Volume No.: 75
Date Published: 1999
Page Numbers: 558-577
A. Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements in Journal of Applied Psychology. Maxine Renee
Shaw, Jonathan L. Speaks, Kathleen M. Neal (1999), 75, p. 558-577.
B. M.R. Shaw, J.L. Speaks, & K.M. Neal (1999). Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements,
Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, p. 558-577.
C. Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements, in Journal of Applied Science, 75, by M.R. Shaw,
J.L. Speaks, & K.M. Neal (1999), 558-577.
D. Shaw, M.R., Speaks J.L., & Neal, K.M. (1999). Role of personality in determining value judgements.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, 558-577.

Which citation is correctly written in APA Style?
A. Oliver, Chadwick D. “Forest Development in North America Following Major Disturbances.” Forest
Ecology and Management 3 (1981): 153-168.
B. Oliver, C. D. (1981). Forest development in North America following major disturbances. Forest
Ecology and Management, 3, 153-168.
C. Oliver CD. 1981. Forest development in North America following major disturbances. Forest Ecology
and Management 3:153-68.

In APA style, what is the correct order of information when referencing a scholarly journal article in
a bibliography?
A. Author, article title, periodical title, volume number, year, page number(s)
B. Author, periodical title, article title, year, volume number, page number(s).
C. Author, year, article title, periodical title, volume number, page number(s).

To avoid plagiarizing, you should:
A. Give proper attribution to all sources, and know how to quote correctly.
B. When paraphrasing, rewrite statements completely in your own words.
C. Proofread carefully.
D. All of the above.

Generally speaking, what is the purpose and intent of a literature review?
A. To critically analyze the existing significant literature in a particular area of research through
summary, description, classification, comparison, and evaluation.
B. To summarize all the work that has been done in a particular area of research.
C. To comprehensively identify all existing work on a particular issue.

On your Reference page, which indentation style is correct?
A. Smith, J. K. (1992). What a day for a daydream! A wild look at boredom.
Journal of Psychology, 71(3), 179-199.
B. Smith, J. K. (1992). What a day for a daydream! A wild look at boredom.
Journal of Psychology, 71(3), 179-199.
Part 3: APA Documentation: In-Text Citations
Directions: Circle the letter of the APA in-text citation that is handled correctly.
The writer is quoting from page 543 of the following book:
Myers, D. G. (2002). Exploring psychology (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Worth.
a. As one discussion of Milgram’s obedience studies points out, “great evils sometimes grow out of
people’s compliance with lesser evils” (Myers, 2002, p. 543).
b. As one discussion of Milgram’s obedience studies points out, “great evils sometimes grow out of
people’s compliance with lesser evils” (Myers, p. 543).

The student is paraphrasing the following newspaper article:
Schwartz, J. (2004, May 6). Simulated prison in ’71 showed a fine line between “normal” and
“monster.” The New York Times, p. A20.
a. Schwartz (2004, May 6) reported on a psychology experiment in 1971 in which volunteers were
randomly assigned to be either prison guards or prisoners. Those who became guards quickly turned
abusive toward their prisoners, and the experiment was stopped a week ahead of schedule.
b. Schwartz (2004) reported on a psychology experiment in 1971 in which volunteers were randomly
assigned to be either prison guards or prisoners. Those who became guards quickly turned abusive
toward their prisoners, and the experiment was stopped a week ahead of schedule.

The student is quoting from page 495 of the following book:
Hockenbury, D. M., & Hockenbury, S. E. (2000). Psychology (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Worth.
a. According to one psychology text, Milgram’s experiment was designed to answer the question “Could
a person be pressured by others into committing an immoral act, some action that violated his or her
own conscience, such as hurting a stranger?” (Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 2000, p. 495).
b. According to one psychology text, Milgram’s experiment was designed to answer the question “Could
a person be pressured by others into committing an immoral act, some action that violated his or her
own conscience, such as hurting a stranger?” (Hockenbury and Hockenbury, 2000, p. 495).

The student is quoting from page A20 of the following newspaper article:
Dao, J., & von Zielbauer, P. (2004, May 6). Abuse charges bring anguish in unit’s home. The New
York Times, pp. A1, A20.
a. Dao and von Zielbauer (2004) reported that one accused soldier “told military investigators that her
job was ‘to keep detainees awake’” (p. A1+).
b. Dao and von Zielbauer (2004) reported that one accused soldier “told military investigators that her
job was ‘to keep detainees awake’” (p. A20).

The student used two sources by the same author published in the same year. The sources appear
as follows in the reference list:
Hersh, S. M. (2004a, May 17). Chain of command. The New Yorker, 80(12), 38-43.
Hersh, S. M. (2004b, May 10). Torture at Abu Ghraib. The New Yorker, 80(11), 42-47.
The writer is quoting from page 43 of the article “Chain of Command.”
a. Hersh (2004) said, “The photographing of prisoners . . . seems to have been not random but, rather,
part of the dehumanizing interrogation process” (“Chain of Command,” p. 43).
b. Hersh (2004a) said, “The photographing of prisoners . . . seems to have been not random but, rather,
part of the dehumanizing interrogation process” (p. 43).

The writer is summarizing material from page 67 of the following book:
Nevid, J. S., Rathus, S. A., & Rubenstein, H. R. (1998). Health in the new millennium. New York,
NY: Worth.
This is the second citation of the book in the paper.
a. Nevid et al. (1998) pointed out that people who have had traumatic experiences may later suffer
from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD (p. 67).
b. Nevid, Rathus, and Rubenstein (1998) pointed out that people who have had traumatic experiences
may later suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD (p. 67).

Part 4: APA Documentation: Reference List
Directions: Circle the letter of the APA reference list entry that is handled correctly.
The student has quoted from a book, Tapped: The Coming World Crisis in Water and What We Can Do
about It, by Paul Simon. It was published in New York in 1998 by Welcome Rain Publishers.
a. Simon, Paul. (1998). Tapped: The coming world crisis in water and what we can do about it. New York,
NY: Welcome Rain.
b. Simon, P. (1998). Tapped: The coming world crisis in water and what we can do about it. New York, NY:
Welcome Rain.

The student has included material from a book, Water Wars: Drought, Flood, Folly, and the Politics
of Thirst, by Diane Raines Ward. It was published in New York by Riverhead Books in 2002.
a. Ward, D. R. (2002). Water Wars: Drought, Flood, Folly, and the Politics of Thirst. New York, NY:
Riverhead Books.
b. Ward, D. R. (2002). Water wars: Drought, flood, folly, and the politics of thirst. New York, NY:
Riverhead Books.

The student has paraphrased material from a book, Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft
of the World’s Water, by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke. It was published in 2003 in New York by
New Press.
a. Barlow, M., & T. Clarke. (2003). Blue gold: The fight to stop the corporate theft of the world’s water.
New York, NY: New Press.
b. Barlow, M., & Clarke, T. (2003). Blue gold: The fight to stop the corporate theft of the world’s water.
New York, NY: New Press.

The student has cited an article, “Survival of Fishes after Impingement on Traveling Screens at
Hudson River Power Plants,” by Paul H. Muessig, Jay B. Hutchinson, Jr., Lawrence R. King, Rebecca J.
Ligotino, and Martin Daley. The article appears in the book Science, Law, and Hudson River Power
Plants, edited by Lawrence W. Barnthouse, Ronald J. Klauda, Douglas S. Vaughan, and Robert L.
Kendall. The book was published in Bethesda, Maryland, by American Fisheries Society in 1998.
a. Muessig, P. H., Hutchinson, J. B., Jr., King, L. R., Ligotino, R. J., & Daley, M. (1998). Survival of fishes
after impingement on traveling screens at Hudson River power plants. In L. W. Barnthouse, R. J.
Klauda, D. S. Vaughan, & R. L. Kendall (Eds.), Science, law, and Hudson River power plants. Bethesda,
MD: American Fisheries Society.
b. Muessig, P. H., et al. (1998). Survival of fishes after impingement on traveling screens at Hudson River
power plants. In L. W. Barnthouse, R. J. Klauda, D. S. Vaughan, & R. L. Kendall (Eds.), Science, law, and
Hudson River power plants. Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.

The student has summarized material from an article, “Drought Settles in, Lake Shrinks, and West’s
Worries Grow,” by Kirk Johnson and Dean E. Murphy. The article appears on pages 1 and 33 of the
May 2, 2004, issue of The New York Times.
a. Johnson, K., & Murphy, D. E. (2004, May 2). Drought settles in, lake shrinks, and West’s worries grow.
The New York Times, pp. 1, 33.
b. Johnson, K., & Murphy, D. E. (2004, May 2). Drought settles in, lake shrinks, and West’s worries grow.
The New York Times, pp. 1+.

The student has quoted from a book, Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit, by Vandana
Shiva. It was published in 2002 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by South End Press. The paper cites
another book by Shiva from the same year, Protect or Plunder? Understanding Intellectual Property
a. Shiva, V. (2002b). Water wars: Privatization, pollution, and profit. Cambridge, MA: South End Press.
b. Shiva, V. (2002a). Water wars: Privatization, pollution, and profit. Cambridge, MA: South End Press.

The paper cites an article, “Tales of the Undammed,” by Edna Francisco. It appears on pages 235-
237 of the April 10, 2004, edition of the magazine Science News (volume 165, issue 15). The
magazine is paginated continuously throughout the volume.
a. Francisco, E. (2004, April 10). Tales of the undammed. Science News, 165, 235-237.
b. Francisco, E. (2004, April 10). Tales of the undammed. Science News, 165(15), 235-237.

The paper cites an article, “Not a Drop to Drink,” by Suzy Hansen, from the online magazine (home page The article is dated August 28, 2002, and is at the
a. Hansen, S. (2002, August 28). Not a drop to drink. Retrieved from
b. Hansen, S. (2002, August 28). Not a drop to drink. Retrieved from

The paper includes material from an article titled “Water: An Imminent Global Crisis,” written by
Fred Pearce and published in the periodical Geographical in 2004 (volume 76, issue 8) on pages 34-

The writer accessed the article using the InfoTrac database (article number A120128508). The
writer also found the Geographical home page at
a. Pearce, F. (2004). Water: An imminent global crisis. Geographical, 76(8), 34-36. Retrieved from
InfoTrac database. (A120128508)
b. Pearce, F. (2004). Water: An imminent global crisis. Geographical, 76(8), 34-36. Retrieved from

The paper cites a review of a book, Water Wars: Drought, Flood, Folly, and the Politics of Thirst, by
Diane Raines Ward. The review, titled “Over the Dam,” was written by Ann Finkbeiner on October
27, 2002. The writer retrieved the article on the Web site of The New York Times,
a. Finkbeiner, A. (2002, October 27). Over the dam [Review of the book Water wars: Drought, flood,
folly, and the politics of thirst, by D. R. Ward]. The New York Times. Retrieved from
b. Finkbeiner, A. (2002, October 27). Over the dam. The New York Times. Retrieved from

The paper includes a quotation from an e-mail message sent to the writer by Diane Raines Ward. It
was received on May 23, 2004.
a. Ward, D. R. (2004, May 23). Personal communication.
b. No entry in the reference list

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