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Expression of Globalization Essay

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Using the example of Hamburger and French Fries (USA), can this traditional American dish be considered an expression of globalization

Food is an indicator of cultural identity and change.  In fact, many scholars consider food an expression of national identity.  Considering the example of a traditional national dish, answer the following question using key definitions related to this topic and included in the course textbook, including but not limited to cultural diffusion and its two major types: expansion diffusion and relocation diffusion (including the most relevant example of relocation diffusion: “The Columbian Exchange”), globalization, acculturation, etc.:

  • Using the example of Hamburger and French Fries (USA), can this traditional American dish be considered an expression of globalization? 

Any geographically-based essay must answer three broad questions: Where? Why? (and how?), and, So what? (or, why is this important?).

  • For example, where is located the center of domestication of the plants and animals (ingredients) included in a hamburger (cattle (beef, cheese), wheat (bread), lettuce, tomato (fresh, ketchup), onion, mustard) and French Fries (potato)? 
  • Why (and how) were these ingredients introduced to the country where this dish was developed (USA)?
  • The “So what?” or, in other words, “why is this important?” question is an overview of the principle elements that can explain how this recipe was developed in this country and must include a conclusions paragraph of your analysis.  To find out the origin of the ingredients that make up this dish you should use the map Center of Plant and Animal Domestication included at the end of this document (Getis et al. 2008). 
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