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Lead and manage effective workplace relationships BSBLDR502

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Assessment – BSBLDR502: Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer/assessor for marking. This forms part of your assessment for BSBLDR502: Lead and manage effective workplace relationships.

Name:                  __________________________________________

Address:              ______________________________________

Email _____________________________________________

Employer:           _____________________________________________________________


I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person. I also understand the assessment instructions and requirements and consent to being assessed.

Signed:                 ____________________________________________________________

Date:                     ____________________________________________________________

If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners involved should be provided below:

This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for us by another person.

Learner 1:            ____________________________________________________________

Signed:                 ____________________________________________________________

Learner 2:            ____________________________________________________________

Signed:                 ____________________________________________________________

Learner 3:            ____________________________________________________________

Signed:                 ____________________________________________________________


Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through observations or demonstrations. Your trainer/assessor will have a list of demonstrations you must complete or tasks to be observed. The observations and demonstrations will be completed as well as the activities found in this workbook.

An explanation of observations and demonstrations:

Observation is on-the-job

The observation will usually require:

Performing a work based skill or task

Interaction with colleagues and/or customers.

Demonstration is off-the-job

A demonstration will require:

Performing a skill or task that is asked of you

Undertaking a simulation exercise.

Your trainer/assessor will inform you of which one of the above they would like you to do. The observation/demonstration will cover one of the unit’s elements.

The observation/demonstration will take place either in the workplace or the training environment, depending on the task to be undertaken and whether it is an observation or demonstration. Your trainer/assessor will ensure you are provided with the correct equipment and/or materials to complete the task. They will also inform you of how long you have to complete the task.

You should be able to demonstrate the skills, knowledge and performance criteria required for competency in this unit, as seen in the Learner Guide.

Third Party Guide

You should supply details of the third party to the assessor before you commence the activities (see below), unless the assessor has already selected a third party themselves. The assessor can then contact the third party in instances where they require more evidence to determine competency, or they cannot observe certain tasks themselves.

The reasons to use a third party may include:

Assessment is required in the workplace

Where there are health and safety issues related to observation

Patient confidentiality and privacy issues are involved.

If you are not employed, or able to complete demonstrative tasks in the workplace, you will need to inform the assessor. They will be able to provide you with a simulated environment in which to complete these tasks.

We would prefer that, wherever possible, these be “live” issues for your industry and require application of the principles that you are learning as part of your training. Where this is not possible, you and your third party should simulate the activity tasks and demonstrations that you believe would be likely to arise in your organisation or job role.

Third party evidence can also be used to provide “everyday evidence” of tasks included in your work role that relate to the unit of competency but are not a part of the formal assessment process.

The third party is not to be used as a co-assessor – the assessor must make the final decision on competency themselves.

Documents relevant to collection of third party evidence are included in the Third Party section in the Observations/Demonstrations document.

Third party details (required information from the learner)

A third party may be required for observations or demonstrations; please provide details below of your nominated third party and obtain their signature to confirm their agreement to participate. This information will be required by your trainer/assessor in advance of arranging any future observations or demonstrations.

Third party name:            ______________________________________________________________

Position of third party:   ______________________________________________________________

Telephone number:        ______________________________________________________________

Email address:                   ______________________________________________________________

Declaration for nominated third party

I declare my intention to act as third party for (learner’s name here) __________________________

Third party signature:     _____________________________________   Date: ___________________


BSBLDR502 – Lead and manage effective workplace relationships


The skills and knowledge required to lead and manage effective workplace relationships involve establishing and managing processes and procedures to support workplace relationships, taking into account the goals, values, and cultural diversity of an organisation, and a range of problem-solving and decision making strategies.

There are many factors to consider, from developing trust and confidence, to communication styles, and issues related to social and cultural sensitivities, power, influence and politics, networking, managing self, working with teams and individuals, and conflict resolution.

Your Task

You have recently been appointed Manager of the Customer Service and Properties  Division of a local Council.  You have 125 staff in your division which looks after property management and customer service.  It has come to your attention that a newly appointed Customer Team Leader, John James, of the Customer Service section is having problems managing staff, and workplace relationships and productivity is suffering. 

This is John’s first Team Leader role and he seems to be struggling to cope.  There have been complaints that John is not sensitive to the needs and concerns of his staff, he does not consult them on their ideas, and is shouting at staff and threatening them in meetings.

John manages five Customer Service Team Leaders and has come to you for advice and mentoring.  You decide to prepare several personal mentoring and training activities for John to help him effectively lead and manage his team of 5 and have better workplace relationships. 

Your Task (continued)

  1. Prepare 10 Powerpoint slides that can be used to train/mentor John which explain  how systems, policies and procedures can support the development of effective work relationships.  These need to cover interpersonal styles, communication,  consultation, cultural and social sensitivity, networking and conflict resolution, and discuss real life examples where possible. It must also list current legislation and explain how it is relevant to managing effective working relationships.
  2. Outdated technology in hospitals; End Prepare a written handout of notes for John that summarises the key behaviours and strategies needed to manage effective workplace and external relationships.      

Please provide at least a paragraph of text on each of the following topics and examples where possible.

a.      What the different types of communication styles are, and how these can affect the effectiveness of workplace relations

  • List strategies and processes that can be used to communicate information associated with the achievement of work responsibilities
    • Discuss ways in which employees can be consulted so they have the opportunity to contribute ideas to their work role, and approaches for facilitating feedback to employees on the  outcomes of these consultation processes
    • Processes that can be used to ensure issues raised are resolved promptly, and the

steps involved in resolving issues raised by staff and those which require referral to other personnel in the organisation

  • Discuss policies and processes that can be implemented to demonstrate that  cultural diversity and ethical behaviour are organisation values, and how these can be established, implemented and enforced  
    • The steps involved in developing a plan for self-management, and explain that John may need to adjust his own interpersonal communication style to meet the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical environment
    • The key principles involved in professional conduct that promote trust and confidence with internal and external contacts, and the importance of planning to ensure effective workplace relationships are developed and maintained
    • The benefits of networking for his team and the organisation, and how to use  networks to build workplace relationships that provide identifiable outcomes for the team and the organisation
    • Processes to manage and resolve workplace conflicts, provide guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties, and the use of  action plans to address any identified difficulties
    • Explain processes that can be used to ensure conflict is identified and managed constructively in accordance with the organisation’s policies and procedures.

Please Note:

Any text sourced from other authors’ work must have an intext reference, be paraphrased in your own words, and full details of the reference should be provided in your Reference List.

Formatting for your Answer 

  • Please include your student name, student number and date you prepared your assignment on your assignment answers.
  • Any material sourced must be paraphrased in your own words, have an intext reference, and full reference details must be presented in a Reference list at the back of your assignment answer.
  • References to be presented in APA Referencing style – please refer examples at (use the ‘Back key’ to navigate between the examples for different types of documents at this site).

End of Case Study

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