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Assessment 2 – Clinical Case Scenario

Percentage: 40%

Word Count: 2,000 words (comprising of 4 short answer questions)

Submission: Via Learnline

Due Date: Week 9, Sunday the 9th of May, 2021 23:59pm


Digital health technology is an advancing area. Nurses engage in digital health across a variety of platforms. However, there are many competing elements in the access and use of digital health for professionals and individuals. These impact upon the care provided. Nurses need to have an understanding of the forms of technology, the legal and ethical care required when using such systems and how digital health impacts upon patient outcomes.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse and evaluate the application of health technologies and strategies for nursing practice and diverse health context.
  2. Examine ethical, legal, socio-cultural and political factors impacting the uptake and use of digital technology in clinical practice for local, national and global health services.
  3. Evaluate and compare different informatic tools currently used in order to improve health outcomes.
  4. Demonstrate an introductory understanding of the opportunities and challenges digital technology creates for health professionals, and patients and consumers across the lifespan in diverse population groups.

Task Instructions

Betty is a 72-year-old woman who lives in a rural area of Australia. Betty normally engages in community health care when her son drives her a 6-hour return trip once a fortnight to see the local nurse and doctor. Betty has multiple co-morbidities with previous hospital admissions in the past 12 months for pneumonia, palpitations and complications of her diabetes. Betty has been admitted to a different hospital after a fall where she was found unconscious. The hospital that has admitted Betty has a combination of digital health programs (pathology, radiology etc.,) and paper-based systems. Betty has been reluctant to use the My Health Record due to concerns about who can access the information. The lack of information on her arrival caused delays in her treatment.

  1. Discuss and evaluate the application of digital health technology such as My Health Record and other electronic health databases (health records, pathology, radiology etc.) which are used in healthcare
  2. Discuss the legal and ethical requirements of the registered nurse when accessing digital health information.
  3. How can digital health technology improve Betty’s health outcomes, including the sociocultural factors that impact upon the uptake of digital healthcare.
  4. How can you, as a Registered nurse, ease the concerns that Betty might have regarding confidentiality. What information would you provide her?

Answer the 4 short answer questions using the information from the scenario. An essay format is not required. An introduction and a conclusion is not required. Please list the 4 questions and 4 answers in order of the above.

Referencing is required. Please use APA intext referencing and include a full text reference list at the completion of your assessment.

Please access the marking rubric to ensure that you are maximizing your marks in your submission.

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