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Gay and Miller Critical Analysis

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Based on the title, Gay’s audience seems to be men. Do you think that is a true throughout the article? Do you think she is speaking to a specific subset of men?

Most of her piece is addressed to men but a small part of it is addressed to women who diminish the seriousness of their sexual assault experiences as an escape from shouldering the burden of the experience any longer (Roxanne , 2017).

In the article, she speaks to no particular subset of men. She lays blame on almost every subset; the sexual assault perpetrators, those who witness sexual assault incidents and turn a blind eye and those who throw shade at sexual assault accusations to diminish their seriousness (Roxanne , 2017). 

What can Gay’s article teach us about structure? Do you see a specific thesis statement in it? What is her central argument?


The article is structured in a confrontational, no holds barred tone. Gay is assertive and unrelenting from the start of the article to the finish as to why the society, more so men, should take sexual assault more seriously (Roxanne , 2017).

From the article, I can deduce the thesis statement that, ‘Sexual assault is everyone’s, not just women problem.”

Her central argument is that everyone, more so men, should be more assertive and take an active role in denouncing, shamming and exposing perpetrators of sexual assault (Roxanne , 2017).

How does Gay achieve her goal of persuasion? Is her argument and the strategies she uses effective?


Miller talks about the courtroom been devoid of art. Why does she find this important? How does this connect to her point about the role of art in her life?

According to her, art provides some sort of visual nourishment that makes the audience, especially someone in a courtroom to feel a sense of company.

Art makes her become expressive since she is not an assertive person by nature…

Miller states that the museum commission “allows me, moving forward, to request bigger walls for myself”. What does she mean by this? Could it have multiple meanings?


How are Gay and Miller’s perspectives different from one another? How might they agree or disagree, based on what is written here?

While gay is assertive and confronting in passing her message, Miller is more subtle, choosing to express herself through art.  Gay’s message is a call to action while Miller’s is a call to …

They both agree that action is needed but disagree on how to get people to take that action (Chanel, 2020).

Who do you think Miller’s audience is? What is her purpose? How do we know?

Millers audience is to the introverts of this world. The purpose of the article is to let them know that despite their limitation in self-expression, they can still find ways of getting their message and their feelings known to the society and to the world (Chanel, 2020).

We know this from her narrations…

Gay’s argument puts the responsibility for confronting sexual harassment at the feet of men. Do you agree with this?

To a large extend, yes. Most sexual harassment incidents are committed by men and fellow men have a responsibility in been more pro-active in defending victims and protecting victims by exposing, rebuking, discouraging and prosecuting men who commit sexual assault (Chanel, 2020)…

Miller talks about the role of art as a way of healing trauma. Is this something you can relate to? Do you see other examples of how people heal from traumatic situations in media or pop culture?       

Gay’s article was written in 2017, at the height of the “#me too” movement. Do you think the situation is very different now?


How do any of these texts connect or relate to anything else we’ve read so far this semester? 

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