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Full Diet Analysis Project

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you are to demonstrate the knowledge you’ve gained from all of the course content. To do this you will need to reference your textbook (frequently) as well as videos and course handouts.

The full diet analysis project (steps 1, 2 and this final diet analysis) has been designed to help you to assess your current dietary (food and drink) intake by evaluating the adequacy of your intake compared with current health recommendations.  Additionally, it will provide you with the opportunity to take an objective look at your current eating behaviors and determine improvements needed. 

You need to address all writing prompts indicated in the outline below.

Be thorough by giving specific examples. For example, if you find that your diet is high in fat, do not simply say that you will choose low fat foods. Instead, you would want to give at least two examples of foods that you could choose to replace high fat foods that you currently eat (based on your 3-day diet record from Step 1). So, if your 3-day diet analysis showed that you had a bacon cheeseburger for lunch one day and fried chicken for dinner another day… you might state that you would remove the bacon from the bacon cheeseburger and or choose a turkey burger with low fat cheese. And instead of fried chicken you might choose baked chicken – or better yet, you might choose a plant based protein like black beans and wild rice which would not only decrease your fat content but increase your fiber!

·Write this paper in paragraph format with proper spelling, capitalization, & grammar

Include in-text citations for resources and a reference page

Required References Course Textbook2 Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles1 Government (only) Website (please do NOT use Google Docs).

Use this outline for your paper

I. About meA. Food likes and dislikes,B. Food allergies & intolerances, C. Lifestyle factors that impact your diet and physical activity choices, D. Family Medical History (Risk Assessment), E.   Personal Medical (current diagnoses or considerations), F. Personal Health Goal, G. Personal Diet and Activity Goals.

II. Your 3-Day Diet & Activity Analysis Summary: Use your printouts that you submitted for Step 1 of your Diet Analysis to summarize the following

A.  Distribution of your Calories (total calories, % Pro, % Carb, %Fat)

B.  My Plate (number of fruits, vegetables, protein, fats, carbs, fiber, etc) on a daily basis

C.  Activity Level (be sure to include daily activities of living and physical activity/exercise

D. Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements that you took. If you didn’t take any please mention.

E. Beverage intake (water, pop, coffee/tea, etc)

III. Health Assessment – Review your Step #2 Analysis (REE, Waist-to-Hip, BMI) and discuss what these indicators suggest about your .

..A.  Overall Health – Briefly discuss your results from your Step 2 analysis (please indicate your numbers for each of these measures. You do not need to show your math but simply include your numbers when discussing their accuracy and meaning as they relate to your health).(remember to consider your family and personal medical History here)

V. Improving your Diet **NOTE: When assessing the adequacy of micronutrient & macronutrient intake, refer to the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) charts located in your textbook. When making comparisons between your dietary intake (from Step 1 printouts) and the recommendations (i.e., Dietary Guidelines, DRI) make specific comparisons; simply stating that your 3-day average intake of fat met the Dietary Guidelines is not a complete answer and points will be taken off. Be very specific when answering these questions. Give it some thought, be creative and use your textbook and other required resources as indicated in the above guidelines.

1. Protein:

a.   List the major food/beverage sources of protein (those providing a total of more than 10 grams per day) in your diet. 

Compare your 3-day average protein intake to what is currently recommended as a healthy intake for your age/gender group.  If your intake differs from this, assess why and how you could adjust this or justify (using a peer-reviewed journal article) why you as an individual should consume an amount that differs from the recommendation. If your intake is on target with the recommendations indicate this and explain why you think it is on target. What choices did you make that helped this to be the case?

2. Fats:a. List the major food/beverage sources of fat (those providing a total of more than 6 grams per day) in your diet.  b. Compare your 3-day average fat intake (include total fat, saturated fat, unsaturated fat, and cholesterol) to what is currently recommended as a healthy intake —Refer to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines.  If your intake differs from this, assess why and how you can adjust this to improve your diet or justify (using a peer-reviewed journal article) why you as an individual should consume an amount that differs from the recommendation.   If your intake is on target with the recommendations indicate this and explain why you think it is on target. What choices did you make that helped this to be the case?

3. Carbohydrates: a.   List all the food/beverage sources of added sugar in your diet.  (Hint: any sweetened beverages other than fruit juice, any candies, sweetened breakfast cereals, baked goods, etc.)

b.   List the food/beverage sources in your diet that provided at least 3 grams of fiber per day.c.   Compare your 3-day average carbohydrate intake (i.e. total carbohydrates, added sugars, and dietary fiber) to what is currently recommended as a healthy intake for young adults.  If your intake differs from this, assess why and how you can adjust this to improve your diet or justify (using a peer-reviewed journal article) why you, as an individual, should consume an amount that differs from the recommendation.  If your intake is on target with the recommendations indicate this and explain why you think it is on target. What choices did you make that helped this to be the case?

3. Carbohydrates:

 a.   List all the food/beverage sources of added sugar in your diet.  (Hint: any sweetened beverages other than fruit juice, any candies, sweetened breakfast cereals, baked goods, etc.)

b.   List the food/beverage sources in your diet that provided at least 3 grams of fiber per day.

4. Vitamins & Minerals: a.   Refer to the bar graph report from your 3-day diet analysis in NutriCalc to list the vitamin and minerals from the average of your 3-days of recorded intake were ≤70% of the DRI.  Beside each vitamin or mineral, List 2 foods that you would eat that provide 20% or more of the DRI for that nutrient.  If you consumed all of the vitamins and minerals in amounts >70%, please indicate this and explain why you think it is on target. What choices did you make that helped this to be the case?

b.   List the vitamins or minerals from the average of your 3-days of recorded intake were >150% of the DRI.  Beside each vitamin or mineral, list the foods that you ate that, each day, provided 25% or more of the DRI for that nutrient.  If none, please write NONE.

5. Calories:a.   Compare your 3-day average energy intake (i.e., calories) to your estimated energy needs.  If you were to continue to consume the same energy intake level as you did over the 3 recorded days, describe what would happen to your body weight and why? 

6. Overall Diet Quality: a. Consider the overall quality of your diet and identify the top two strengths of your diet and reasons why these are strengths.  (e.g., is it low in saturated fat and this is beneficial for health because)

b.   Consider the overall quality of your diet and identify the top two weaknesses of your diet and reasons why these are weaknesses.  (e.g., need to trim energy intake because . . .).  Next to each weakness, describe one (realistic) change you could make to your diet to improve the quality of your diet.    [e.g., Reduce added sugar intake by replacing regular soda with diet soda or water)].

7. Physical Activity: a. describes your current physical activity level and compares it to the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Be sure to address all aspects of the guidelines such as Cardio, Strengthening, Flexibility, etc.

 b. Discuss ways in which you can improve your current activity level. If your activity level meets or exceeds these guidelines, describe how this is the case and how you will sustain these behaviors.

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