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Practicum End Point Report

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Guidance on completing this template.

For each week from the mid-point of your practicum until the Week 8, describe the following:

  • What work tasks or actions you undertook.
  • What outcomes or outputs these contributed to, as well as any notable achievements during this time.
  • The competencies that you used/learned.

You must provide specific detail in each case, and quantify your work in whatever way possible – for example, “summarised policy recommendations from literature” is not sufficient. Instead, clear statements should be made, such as “reviewed 50 journal articles over three days, using a structured data extraction tool” and “created a referenced summary of 20 key policy recommendations from the reviewed articles”.

NOTE: If your practicum commenced later than 22nd March 2021, or is scheduled to last longer than 8 weeks, you might not have completed all of your weeks of work yet. Therefore, you should indicate your work plan for the weeks that have not yet been done. For example, if you have only completed seven weeks by 14th May, then you should write your plan for Week 8. If you are scheduled to do more than 8 weeks, you should write your plan for those additional weeks. You will be assessed on your completed performance, and your planning for the additional weeks.

Week 5 summary

Work tasks and actions taken

(What work did you do during this week?)

Outcomes/outputs, and achievements

(What did you create or achieve during this week?)

List of competencies used/developed

(Enter the competencies that you used or developed here.)

Week 6 summary

Work tasks and actions taken

(What work did you do during this week?)

Outcomes/outputs, and achievements

(What did you create or achieve during this week?)

List of competencies used/developed

(Enter the competencies that you used or developed here.)

Week 7 summary/plan

Work tasks and actions taken

(What work did you do during this week?)

Outcomes/outputs, and achievements

(What did you create or achieve during this week?)

List of competencies used/developed

(Enter the competencies that you used or developed here.)

Week 8 summary/plan

Work tasks and actions taken

(What work did you do during this week?)

Outcomes/outputs, and achievements

(What did you create or achieve during this week?)

List of competencies used/developed

(Enter the competencies that you used or developed here.)

Additional weeks’ summary/plan

(Only complete this section if your practicum is scheduled for longer than 8 weeks)

Work tasks and actions will you take

(What work will you do during these weeks?)

Outcomes/outputs, and achievements

(What will you create or achieve during these weeks?)

List of competencies used/developed

(Enter the competencies that you will use or develop here.)


Student statement

I confirm that the above information is complete, and that it accurately represents the work I have undertaken/completed/planned, and the competencies I have used/developed/commit to develop, during the second half of my MSc Public Health Practicum.


Signature (a picture of your signature may be inserted here):


Supervisor statement

I confirm that the above accurately represent work assigned to/completed/planned by the student, and that I am satisfied with their progress. Based on their overall performance, and my review of the student’s completed mid-point supervision meeting template, and this completed final supervision meeting template, I recommend that the student should be awarded the grade of PASS / FAIL (delete as appropriate).


Signature (a picture of your signature may be inserted here):

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