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The Compound Light Microscope in Blood Smear

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The Practical 4 Results Sheet is worth 15 marks towards a total of 20 marks for Assessment Task 1d.  Complete your answers for the questions in the Practical 4 Results Sheet and submit it to the Safe Assign link in the Week 9 Practical 4 folder on the MLS101 Blackboard site by 5.00pm on Tuesday 11 May (Week 10).

It is recommended that you type your answers to the questions in the Practical 4 Results Sheet. Where required draw your microscopy images – do not use images that have been downloaded. You can take a photo of your drawing and insert it into the document before saving as a PDF for submission, or you can scan your drawing and insert into the results sheet word document before saving as a PDF.

You may submit the Practical 4 Results Sheet either individually or as a pair with another MLS101 student.

Provide your name and student number in the box below.

My Student Name:                         

My Student Number:            

If you have prepared the Practical 4 Results Sheet as a pair, then include the other student’s name and number below and submit only one copy of the results sheet (i.e. only one student to submit to Blackboard). We will assess the submitted copy of the results sheet and give you both the same grade. Add additional line to complete your answers as required.

Note:  Adding your lab partner’s name in the box below indicates that you have worked together, and you will both receive the same grade for the results sheet.

Partner’s Student Name:                 …………………………………………………

Partner’s Student Number:             ……………………………

Permission must be sought from the MLS101 Course Coordinator to use the experimental data that has been provided in the online simulation loaded in the Week 9 Practical 4 folder on the MLS101 Blackboard site.


  1. Provide a brief description of the following parts of the Olympus CX31 microscope (25 words per answer, 0.5 marks per part, 2 marks total, in-text reference your answer). Marks will not be given for duplicating the information provided in the course manual.  Type your answers below
  1. Field Iris Diaphragm –
  1. Condenser –
  1. Stage and Specimen Holder –
  1. Eyepiece –
  • Drawing clear representative images of microscopic observations is an essential skill. Outline the requirements for generating a good cell drawing. 0.5 mark, 25-50 words, dot points are acceptable). (Hint – remember to use this as a guide for your own drawing in Question 5)

Type your answer here.

Outline Requirements

  • Title
  • Scale
  • Labels
  • Size
  • Each objective has a different working distance. Define working distance and describe how it relates to operating the Olympus CX31 microscope on the different objectives (0.5 marks, 25-50 words).

Type your answer here.


  • Name the five main populations of white blood cells in peripheral blood. Include a brief description of morphology and primary cell function. (1 mark per cell, 50-100 words per cell, 5 marks total).

Type your answer here.

White blood cells

  • Complete a drawing of a human blood smear at a total magnification of 400X.  Include a number of RBC and at least two different types of WBC. Be sure to draw the cells in proportion to each other and label your drawing approximately. Ensure there is a scale bar on the drawing and insert scale bar calculation in the space provided.

Draw and label the cells in the box below (3 marks)

Detail your scale bar calculation below (1 mark, include full workings including the scale bar equation).


  • You are asked to make a sub-culture from a streak plate to isolate a pure culture of Escherichia coli. Which area of your plate should you avoid when collecting the bacteria, and why? (1 mark, 50 words).

Type your answer here.

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