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Clinical Reasoning Cycle Assignment

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Assessment Title Assessment Task 3: Case Study
Each student will submit an essay which processes their chosen Demetriou
family member according to the Levett-Jones Clinical Reasoning Cycle. This
piece will allow the student to demonstrate their developing skills
of identifying health care priorities and person-centred nursing care.
Due Date Week 10, Wednesday 12th May, 2021
Time Due 0900 hours
Weighting 50%
Length 1200 words +/- 10% (includes intext citations, excludes reference list)
Assessment Rubric See unit outline Appendix C.
LOs Assessed LO 4, 5 & 6 from the Extended Unit outline, available in the LEO Information tile.
As well as responding to challenging situations using advanced psychomotor
skills, Nurses use clinical reasoning as sophisticated thinking abilities to
make decisions about patients with complex and diverse health care needs
(Levett-Jones, 2018). There are 3 family members included in this case study
that you can choose from. Please review the family information provided to
you in the Demetriou family case study located in the Assessment Tile on
LEO or in Appendix B of the Extended Unit Outline.
In written essay format you are required to pick ONE (1) member of the
Demetriou family and apply the first FOUR (4) phases of the Clinical
Reasoning Cycle to demonstrate how a beginning nurse might plan the
care of this one individual.

  1. Consider the Patient Situation
  2. Collect cues and information
  3. Process Information
  4. Identify the Problem/Issue
    Target Audience
    Via the appropriate Turnitin dropbox, located on the NRSG 138 LEO page,
    under the Assessment tile.
    File format .doc or .docx (not .pdf files)
    Margins 2.54cm, all sides
    Font and size 11-point Calibri or Arial
    Spacing Double spacing
    Paragraph Aligned to left margin, indent first line of each paragraph 1.27cm
    NRSG138: Transition to Nursing
    NRSG138_ Assessment 3: Case Study © Australian Catholic University 2021 _ Page 2 of 3
    Title Page Not to be used
    Level 1 Heading Centered, bold, capitalize each word (14-point Calibri or Arial)
    Level 2 Headings
    Optional/ don’t have to be used:
    Flush left, bold, capitalize each word (12-point Calibri or Arial)
    Essay Structure as per the Academic Skills Unit guide : Introduction, body,
    conclusion, reference list
    Direct quotes
    Always require page number. No more than 10% of WC in direct quotes – see
    formatting requirements within the APA 7 guide
    Header Page number top right corner (9 point Calibri or Arial)
    Footer Name _ Student Number_ Assessment _ Unit _ Year (9 point Calibri or Arial)
    Referencing Style APA 7th
    Minimum References Generally, 1 (one) reference per 100 (one hundred) words.
    Age of References
    Published in the last 5 years as this area of knowledge is rapidly developing.
    Note that this excludes seminal (original) works, which have no age limitations.

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